High School Diploma Presented To Tuolumne County Jail Inmate

Sonora, CA…Today we were able to witness the first inmate at the Tuolumne County Jail to be presented a High School Diploma from an accredited school through the Superintendent of Schools Adult Education and Jail Educational Services. An independent study teacher from the County Superintendent of Schools reviews records of the individual and evaluates what requirements and units are needed to recieve completion for a diploma. The teacher provides tutoring to prepare the the individual for testing and educational counseling. The teacher meets with the individual two to three times a week for instruction and assigns homework that is to be completed throughout the week. If the individual is released from custody during the process they are able to still follow through and test at the Day Reporting Center.

The County Superintendent of Schools has adopted the high school equivalency test program which will allow for continuity when inmates transition to the community. Mr. Ankele was presented with his high school diploma in the company of Margie Bulkin- Tuolumne County Superintendent of Schools, Cyndi Simonson- TC County Board of Education, Trustee Area 7, Board President, Juliana Feriani,-TC County Board of Education, Trustee Area 3, Board Clerk Chucker Twining- TC County Board of Education, Trustee Area 6 Cathy Parker, Associate Superintendent, County Schools Office Colleen Whitlock, Principal Alternative Education, County Schools Office Joane Job, Adult Education Teacher, County School Office Undersheriff Pooley, Lt. McCaig, Sgt. Benson, Deputy Teague, Mrs. Anderson the Sheriff’s Admistrative Technician and his mother and grandmother.

Mr. Ankele read a short speech and noted that he is taking the time spent in custody as a learning experience and it has changed his life by continuing with his education and recieving his high school diploma. He has also made the decision upon release to enroll in a residential program to continue his commitment to a clean and sober lifestyle.
This is just one of the programs offered to the inmates who are incarcerated at the jail.

*GEO Reentry Services is a behavioral intervention evidence based practices program. It is a structured program that is frequently mandated by the court as a condition of AB109 sentences or as a condition of probation. Inmates may earn up to 80 days time off their sentences for successfully completing the 12 week program.

In the program, they teach and work with the inmates on moral reconation, individual cognitive behavior therapy, behavior change plans, life skills and journaling. This serves as an important part of our Release Preparation Program and inmates can or may be required to continue and complete the program at the Day Reporting Center upon release.

*C.A.S.E. (Clean and Sober Experience) is our Jail Drug and Alcohol treatment program. It is a collaboration between the Sheriff’s Custody Division and Behavioral Health Substance Abuse Services. In addition, we have a substance abuse counselor from the MeWuk Indian Health Clinic that provides case management to eligible “Native” inmates and counseling services to any inmate. It is based on the philosophy that incarceration is an intervention opportunity. The program is composed of three phases. Phase 1 is “Intervention and Outreach.” The goal of Phase 1 is to identify inmates that are booked into the jail that have alcohol and drug problems. Inmates will be provided with information regarding treatment services available. Phase 2, is the treatment phase. Any inmate may apply to the CASE program. Inmates that are enrolled are seen by a Drug and Alcohol Addictions specialist. We use the “New Freedom” in cell treatment program. Inmates are given folders with assignments and then meet with staff to review their lesson plans. Phase 3 of the program is the “Release and Reentry” process of developing a plan. This plan is coordinated with Probation and/or is established during the pre-sentencing process in the court. Some will have local outpatient treatment on release under the supervision of the Drug Court or Probation. Others will be referred to and placed in a residential drug and alcohol treatment programs, AA, NA, and Celebrate Recovery meetings.
We are very proud of those who work hard to make a change and better their quality of life.