Letter To The Editor On Measure B ~ By Vicky Reinke

Angels Camp, CA…It is important to understand who we are dealing with when it comes to the marijuana industry. They are an all cash huge profit business with large amounts of money and will stop at nothing to get their way. They do not want the good citizens of Calaveras to have a chance to vote on whether or not to ban commercial marijuana activities. Measure B is set for a special all mail-in ballot election. Ballots are to go out the week of April 3rd to be returned to the county registrar by May 2nd This is going to be an opportunity for the people of Calaveras to vote on whether they support a ban on all commercial marijuana activities in Calaveras County, with the exception of personal grows.

This is the second attempt by the community to put a ban proposal on the ballot. The first petition to ban was denied because of a technicality in the petition itself, so the voters were denied their vote at that time. Now, a second attempt has been successful to get the ban proposal on the ballot for May 2nd, so the voters have an opportunity to vote as to whether they want to ban commercial marijuana activities in our county.

But wait!!! The pro-marijuana group is attempting to stop this initiative from going to the ballot through lawsuits. On February 22, 2017 a Writ of Mandate was filed by Robert Bowerman a local marijuana advocate stating that the ballot arguments were untrue. On March 2, 2017 another lawsuit was filed by Calaveras Naturals, a marijuana dispensary, this time to sue the Board of Supervisors to remove Measure B from the ballot because of a procedural error in its wording. Really?!!

Don’t be fooled, this is a tactic used to stall or stop the process and intimidate the people. Don’t fall for this nonsense. Keep this kind of industry out of our county…nothing good will come from it! These types of tactics will only continue and get worse.

Please, Vote Yes on Measure B
Vicky Reinke
Calaveras County

7 Responses to "Letter To The Editor On Measure B ~ By Vicky Reinke"

  1. Anonymous   March 7, 2017 6:41 pm - at 6:41 pm

    Very saddened by Ms. Reinke, chair of the Calaveras GOP group, to take this position AFTER her group asked for more information related to THE FACTS.
    Perhaps the rumor regarding certain opppnents looking to crush the local economy, in an attempt to scoop up real estate as the economy craters, is true. Most aware people realize that, like alcohol prohibition a decade ago, this too shall fail. If not today, tomorrow when fear subsides and reality prevails.
    Ms. Reinke, et al, look into Phillip Morris’ recent purchases of hundreds of acres in Northern California. Care to speculate on their plans?
    Keep it local. Keep it regulated. Trust that if you push out local, law abiding citizens, you’ll first deal with drug cartels (see the 2013/14 Enterprise archives) and then, once you all flee, big business comes in with deep enough pockets to crush your dreams.
    That being said, seems like your ban leaders are fighting your cause by themselves and with pro-bono lawyer friends.
    Sad, to say the least.
    I was at last week’s meeting. You were asked by YOUR MEMBERS to better understand the issues.
    Your next op-ed would be better received by facts, not hysteria. The

  2. Anonymous   March 7, 2017 8:21 pm - at 8:21 pm

    My goodness, there sure is a lot of whining about how unfair election law can be. Technicalities only arise when someone doesn’t follow the law.

    Misleading voters in ballot arguments is illegal. Simply pointing out mistakes and asking the authors of this poorly written measure to tell the truth is not intimidation.

    The nonsense is in an unwillingness to coexist with a regulated and taxed industry that makes up 20% of the local economy. In court today David Tunno talked about bringing in the troops to shut down legal farmers with practically no money. He wants to call the national guard, and who’s intimidating whom?

    Measure C won by a landslide. How come y’all don’t respect that vote Vicky? $15 million is the minimum of what this silly ban will cost in 2017. That number goes up exponentially every year after as state licensing comes online. Taxing and regulating is the sane thing to do. Please vote no on B.

  3. Anonymous   March 7, 2017 8:27 pm - at 8:27 pm

    That $15 mil is what the county automatically loses in taxes and fees. Cannabis cultivation won’t end. Just the County’s ability to enforce, tax and inspect.

  4. Anonymous   March 9, 2017 8:47 am - at 8:47 am

    It time for Reinke to be replaced. She is a total disgrace to the Republican party and Calaveras County.

    And can we create a measure to ban McManus, Tunno, and Reinke from our county, in the name of public safety and decency?

  5. Anonymous   March 9, 2017 8:50 am - at 8:50 am

    It is now an indisputable fact that McManus and Tunno are liars. When a judge says your a liar, your a liar.

  6. Anonymous   March 9, 2017 5:51 pm - at 5:51 pm

    I attended the most recent CCRP meeting. We arrived early and help them set up the chairs in the room. Then we were made to feel extremely unwanted by Vicky Reinke. Nobody else running the meeting acted unfriendly towards us, only Vicky Reinke. She literally wants to exclude people from the party and prevent them from voting because they don’t agree with her on ONE issue. She should NOT be the party chair.

  7. Bill Wilson   March 10, 2017 8:44 am - at 8:44 am

    If anyone cares to check it was Vicky Reinke who file the papers for the Ban with the county, no wonder she is in favor of the ban. She calls the Police & Fire Department when people show up to a public meeting to join the Republican Party. I suppose she would prefer those people who support legal regulated marijuana farming in our county should not be allowed to have a voice in the local Republican Party. Although the 3 Bill’s in Congress that support regulating & removing it from the Controlled Substance Act are all authored by Republicans & supported by our Congressman Tom McClintock. While Tom does not support marijuana he supports taxation & regulation before banning & criminalization. It might also be pointed out that all 3 Bill’s have a rare trait, they share bipartisan support! H.R.715 – Compassionate Access Act; H.R. 975: Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2017; H.R. 4498 (113th): Legitimate Use of Medicinal Marijuana Act. The truth about the Ban is the people who back it have been found by the court to have lied in there response & argument were ordered by the court to change 8 points in them. Isn’t it time the Republican Party in Calaveras county represented all Republicans of our county?