Sonora Police Arrest Florida Prowler

Sonora, CA…On Wednesday,shortly after 8:30 a.m., a resident of Norlin Street in called the Sonora Police Department to report spotting a subject walking from behind her residence. She described the subject as wearing a reflective vest and a work identification card with his picture on it around his neck and said he refused to give her a reason for being on her property.

Officer Memmer immediately began checking the area and located the described subject just a couple blocks away. The subject was identified as 42-year-old Robert Louis Dees out of Pensacola Florida. When Officer Memmer inquired about his vest and identification card, Dees told the officer he was currently employed by a contract company on a tree mortality project. Officer Memmer was able to confirm that Dees was not assigned to any work related duties that day. It was also determined that Dees has an extensive criminal history which includes aggravated burglary. Officer Memmer arrested Robert Dees for prowling on private property and booked him at the Tuolumne County Jail. His bail was set at $5,000.