Camp Connell “Gold Mine”

Camp Connell, CA…Camp Connell “Gold Mine” “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye” Antoine de Saint-Exupery. This quote seemed appropriate because since buying the store in January, many people have come in and met me, and many have said this; “This place is a Goldmine”

I was always polite, and never disagreed even once. However, what I didn’t realize is that they were not talking about Gold that is connected to money, they were talking about Gold that is connected to the Heart. So many people have shared their stories about the old days at Camp Connell, how they spent their youth there, and some of the great times they have had in the “Backyard”.

I hear you! I’m doing what I can to bring the magic back;

On Sunday’s we’ll have Sunday’s! Kids Karoke, and Sunday’s are coming to Sunday’s. We’ll have your favorite kids tunes, and Ice Cream Sunday’s for only $3. And wait, there’s more, we now have Fooseball! Come join us!

Oh and if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or you just want to vent, feel free to call me at (949)842-2963 or email me at