The Search Is On For Missing Charles Duston In Sonora Pass High Country

Pinecrest, CA…The search is still on for Charles Duston, 67 years old, 6’1″, 170 pounds. Charles has a cabin in the Haypress/Eagle Meadow area. He goes to his cabin often for a week at a time. There is no phone at the cabin but he usually ventures out to “telescope peak” for cell service to check in with his wife but she has not heard from him. He tows his snowmobile, parks his vehicle off of Hwy 108 and rides to the cabin when the road is closed due to snow. He was due to return home yesterday(Monday) but never arrived. His vehicle was located on Hwy 108 at the entrance to Eagle Meadow.

The Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team along with Cal Fire out of Pinecrest took their snowmobiles to his cabin and searched the surrounding areas. Charles was not at the cabin but appeared he was there at one point.
The Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue, Forest Service, and Cal Fire snowmobile teams are out in the area searching today with the assistance of the CHP H24 helicopter.

Update Tues. April 25, 8:15 PM:
Several search crews were scouring the area near Eagle Meadow today for missing snowmobiler Charles Duston. His snowmobile was found approximately 2 miles from his cabin. Unfortunately Charles was not located. Office of Emergency Services will be sending additional resources including the National Guard and their helicopter, snowshoe teams and search and rescue from several counties to join Pinecrest Fire, Forest Service and our Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue team.

Charles picture is attached. Please share and if you have seen him or know of his whereabouts please call the Sheriff’s Office at 209-533-5815.