Supervisors Proclaim May 21 – 28, 2017 as Arnold Branch Library Week in Calaveras County.

San Andreas, CA…From Calaveras County Librarian, Nancy Giddens. “Every successful venture has people who make it a success. Over the 50 years we celebrate this year, many people have worked hard to make the Arnold Branch Library a success. Although I have served as Calaveras County Librarian for just a year, it quickly became clear to me that the current success of the Arnold Branch Library is due primarily to the vision, passion and commitment of Fran Devlin, the Branch Assistant who has served that branch since 2008. Fran works tirelessly to serve the community of Arnold. Bonnie Doiel who serves on Fridays and Saturdays also gives great energy and enthusiasm to the branch. Both work with and through the community and the Arnold Friends of the Library group. Without them this branch would not be what it is today. Thank you Fran and Bonnie.”

Below is the proclamation…

WHEREAS, libraries change lives in their communities, campuses and schools; and,
WHEREAS, the Arnold Branch Library provides valuable services that enrich and enhance the well-being of our community through the pursuit of information, knowledge, creativity and other forms of individual expression; and,
WHEREAS, the Arnold Branch Library is more than a repository of books and has evolved and adapted to encompass new technologies and meet the changing needs of our community; and,
WHEREAS, the Arnold Branch Library meets the ever-growing needs of patrons and visitors by providing innovative and essential services, fostering a love of reading in patrons of all ages and walks of life, providing academic support to students, teaching literacy skills to adults, providing internet access 24/7/365; and,
WHEREAS, the Arnold Branch Library serves as a safe haven and connection to social support for our most vulnerable citizens; and,
WHEREAS, the Arnold Branch Library opened its doors in Arnold in 1967 and from modest beginnings moved to a new state-of-the-art facility built in 1997 and has continually improved the materials collection and technology to grow with the community; and,
WHEREAS, the support of local residents, visitors and the Friends of the Library, the Arnold Branch library has faithfully supported the Ebbetts Pass community for 50 years;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it proclaimed that the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors proclaim May 21 – 28, 2017 as Arnold Branch Library Week. All residents are encouraged to visit the library this week to take advantage of the abundance of library resources, family fun, giant book sale and more at the library.