CCWD Applauds Supervisor Decision on Blagen Road Bridge

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Water District joined many members of the Arnold community at the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday in urging the Board to purchase a temporary bridge to cross a damaged section of Blagen Road near White Pines Park. Major storm damage in January 2017 made the portion of the roadway that crosses Big Trees Creek unsafe for public use, which cut off the primary access to White Pines Lake’s recreational amenities, the Moose Lodge and Courtright Emerson Memorial Ball Park. The damaged roadway also created significant delays for emergency personnel responding to incidents at the lake and wildfires.

After Tuesday’s meeting, County staff estimated the new bridge – that will be safe for public use – could be installed within 30 days. CCWD is grateful for the hard work of District 3 Supervisor Michael Oliveira, Director of Public Works Jeff Crovitz and all the community members who commented at Tuesday’s meeting, including representatives from the Ebbetts Pass Moose Lodge Events, White Pines Park Committee, Ebbetts Pass Fire District, Calaveras County Visitors Bureau, California and Sierra Nevada Adventure Co.