Resolute Support Leadership Visits Blast Site In Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan…After a deadly terrorist attack on innocent civilians here today, General John Nicholson, commander of Resolute Support, visited the blast site to survey the damage and support emergency responders.
Terrorists detonated a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device near Zambaq Square, outside of the Green Zone but near diplomatic and government facilities. “The vigilance and courage of Afghan security forces prevented the VBIED from gaining entry to the Green Zone, but the explosion caused civilian casualties in the vicinity,” Nicholson said.

KABUL, Afghanistan (May 31, 2017) — General John Nicholson, Resolute Support commander, RS Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Jurgen Weigt, and RS Command Sergeant Major David M. Clark visit the blast site after the deadly attack that occurred here today to survey the damage and support emergency. A vehicle-borne improvised explosive device was detonated near Zambaq Square outside the Green Zone, near diplomatic and government facilities. (U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. Egdanis Torres Sierra, Resolute Support Public Affairs – Afghanistan)

Just a few hours after the deadly attack, Nicholson met with German Embassy Charge d’Affairs Dr. Ulrich Ernst, NATO Senior Civilian Representative Cornelius Zimmerman and Resolute Support Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Jurgen Weigt at the German Embassy, one of the locations most affected by the detonation.

“Once again we stand shoulder by shoulder with our Afghan partners and grieve for our losses,” expressed Weigt. “These helping hands stand for the strength of this so proud country, which will not lose ground facing this ruthless enemy.”

The attack demonstrates a complete disregard for civilians and reveals the barbaric nature of the enemy, Nicholson added. He said it also highlights the hypocrisy of an enemy who claim they only target Afghan Security Forces and foreign forces, yet continue to cause death among innocent people.

The senior enlisted leader for Resolute Support, Command Sergeant Major David M. Clark, also expressed lockstep support for the Afghan partners.

“Today many Afghans have lost their lives, and many more have been wounded. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our Afghan partners,” Clark said. “The ANDSF is made of men and women with hopes and dreams, a passionate commitment to the idea of freedom, and the willingness to fight for those ideals. With courage and honor, we will prevail.”

Resolute Support and coalition forces stand together with the Afghan people, committed to seek a peaceful, stable future for this country.