Calaveras Sheriff’s Department Implements A Safe Trade Program

San Andreas, CA…Are you purchasing a car or merchandise off of an online buy and sell site? Do you know the person you are buying from or selling to? Do you really want to go to a stranger’s house, or have them come over to yours for the transaction?  The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office has great news! We have designated two parking spaces in our public parking area as a “Safe Trading Zone”! This “Safe Zone” is for people who want to buy or sell items but are worried about their safety.

This Safe Trading location is in the Sheriff’s Office parking lot located at 1045 Jeff Tuttle Drive, San Andreas, CA 95249. You will find the parking spaces on your right side as you’re exiting our parking lot. There is an identifying sign( as pictured below) and the two spaces on each side can be used to make your purchases/sales on anything from Household items to Vehicles. The parking lot is well-lit and monitored by video surveillance cameras 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, however, transactions made during daylight are encouraged

Even when meeting at The Sheriff’s Office remember the following tips when buying or selling through online marketplaces:
• Law Enforcement typically will not get involved in the details of the transaction and are unable to provide a standby during your transaction.
• Ask for proof of the seller’s identity: you can use your phone to photograph it.
• If you’re carrying a large sum of cash, either before or after the transaction, don’t make it obvious, and be careful to ensure that you’re not followed after the transaction.
• Beware of common scams, like checks for an amount higher than the amount of the deal; “cashier’s checks” that are forged and presented when the bank is closed.
• If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
• If you are given a cashier’s check, money order or other equivalent, call the bank at the number listed online, (not a number the buyer gives you) to verify the validity of the check.
Sometimes it’s impractical to meet in our parking lot for a transaction, for example; large or heavy items, in those cases:
• Meet at our Office where you can exchange and take a photo each other’s identification, such as a driver’s license before meeting offsite for the merchandise exchange.
• Email the ID information to a friend, or to someone trusted (not to you).
• Do NOT carry cash to this location.
• If you’re selling at home, or going to someone’s home, never go alone. If you’re at home, make sure you have others at home with you and tell the person who is coming that you will have others with you. There is some safety in numbers.
• At home or an apartment, NEVER let someone go anywhere unaccompanied. Not even to the bathroom, medicine cabinets are common targets of “guests”. Always make sure they are escorted.
• Never let more than one group come to your home at one time to buy or sell.
As always, be safe and happy selling!