CCA Says…$9,943,167.56 in Taxes and Fees Already Collected on Cannabis in Calaveras County

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras Cannabis Alliance confirmed via Tax Collector Barbara Sullivan that as of August 1,
2017, $6,943,167.56 in Measure C Tax has been collected. These taxes were on top of the $3 million in
fees collected via the Urgency Ordinance Registration in Spring/Summer 2016.

According to the Internal Revenue Service, only 64% of Americans required to pay income tax do
so. Calaveras Cannabis farmers came it at an impressive 81%. Also, District 4 Supervisor Dennis Mills
predicted the county would not see more than $2 million in Measure C Tax revenue, nearly $5 million
less that collected in the first installment.

A portion of tax collected has already been allocated to balance the county budget and the
taxes go straight to our general fund. They can be used on things that benefit all residents like public
safety, road repairs, parks etc. However, should the county supervisors enact a ban on cultivation, this
tax revenue will disappear and the deficit they filled will soon grow exponentially.

This is yet another example of the farming community’s commitment to operating legally and
dedication to the betterment of our County. Thank you Calaveras Cannabis Community for making good
on your word.

3 Responses to "CCA Says…$9,943,167.56 in Taxes and Fees Already Collected on Cannabis in Calaveras County"

  1. Bill Wilson   August 2, 2017 1:56 pm - at 1:56 pm

    Isn’t it called tampering when a government body tries to change a voter approved tax measure in California? Couldn’t one say it was tampering, if say a local county board of supervisors tried to ban the source of those voter approved taxes?

  2. Gina Gonzales   August 4, 2017 11:16 am - at 11:16 am

    Yes,its bad for the safety of our community.Ban until Federal Government gets a real regulation in place as Track and Trace.We all know that registered grows are still supplying the black market.

  3. Gina Gonzales   August 4, 2017 11:17 am - at 11:17 am

    Keep payin you need to fund all eradications.