Calaveras Big Trees Association’s “A Day in the Park” is August 19th

Arnold, CA…Calaveras Big Trees Association Presents A Day in the Park on Saturday, August 19, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bring your family and friends to a fun-filled afternoon of music by the local favorite, Magnolia Rhythm Trio. They will be performing from 12 – 2 at the Campfire Center. Delicious barbecue will be available prepared by Big Boys BBQ’IN. Food will be available in front of Jack Knight Hall from 11 – 3.

Columbia State Park reenactors will be on hand to share everyday life in the 1870s. The Columbia State Park rangers and docents will also be sharing old-time games from the 1800s. This event will be held in the area between the campfire center and Jack Knight Hall. Come join the fun!