Calaveras Supervisors Vote to Work on Cannabis Regulation Ordinance

San Andreas, CA…After days of comments and testimony the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors voted to craft an even tougher regulatory ordinance than was part of the agenda today. So it looks like Legal Commercial Cannabis will probably survive in some form. The vote was 3-2 with Mills and Clapp casting the no votes..

Soil testing from outside lab, fencing, no grows within residential zoning, etc.

More details to follow…

13 Responses to "Calaveras Supervisors Vote to Work on Cannabis Regulation Ordinance"

  1. Mike Nelson   October 24, 2017 7:31 pm - at 7:31 pm

    Say it ain’t,t so, here to stay.

  2. Pat Bourassa   October 24, 2017 7:53 pm - at 7:53 pm

    Ban pot at any cost! The county has not had sufficient funding to properly control and enforcement. Our children , grandchildren and great grandchildren deserve a healthy future! Please ban it!

    • Joan Wilson   October 25, 2017 6:57 am - at 6:57 am

      Then you must also be for banning vineyards and wineries. Vineyards are not organic. Ban all Roundup and Regalia from any home owner, road committee, HOA, or rancher or farmer ever using it again. Ban all liquor in the county. Ban all tobacco products from the county.

    • colton Tooman   October 25, 2017 3:29 pm - at 3:29 pm

      the tax revenue is primary purpose is enforcement and its sure a lot healthier then alcohol but no ones bitching about that

    • Anonymous   October 25, 2017 3:35 pm - at 3:35 pm

      Those who want it banned don’t understand the health benefits. The ignorance baffles me. Banned cannabis means leaving our loved ones with no relief from cancer, Parkinson, chronic pain, It can be used to treat Glaucoma, It can help control epileptic seizures, It also decreases the symptoms of a severe seizure disorder known as Dravet’s Syndrome, A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer from spreading, THC slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, The drug eases the pain of multiple sclerosis. The list goes on. Wake up people. Medical Cannabis is a necessity!

    • prapannasmith   October 28, 2017 8:48 am - at 8:48 am

      If you, as you say, there’s no resources for control and enforcement, how do you expect a ban to be enforced? As of today, Cannabis tax dollars in Calaveras have balanced last year’s budget and paid for the abatement of over 200 illegal grows. If you want the bad guys out of here, support your local registered Cannabis growers so they can support your need for a safe and prosperous community!

  3. Anonymous   October 24, 2017 9:03 pm - at 9:03 pm

    Glad they are looking at the future of calaveras. Need regulation to remove illegal grows.

  4. Anonymous   October 24, 2017 10:06 pm - at 10:06 pm

    Has anyone noticed the increased amount of hitch hikers here in Calaveras County? I wonder where they are headed. Out of this area preferred but thanks to the typical politics in this area we are going to see more problems of homeless weed trimmers. There a women living in this county trimming weed with their young kids living with them. Cash paid while on welfare.

  5. Anonymous   October 25, 2017 11:41 am - at 11:41 am

    We are leaving Cannibis, er I mean Calaveras County. Not happy any of the growers are here. This whole thing will be the downfall of the county on many levels.

  6. Shai   October 25, 2017 12:18 pm - at 12:18 pm

    Most of you that are complaining are ignorant to the benefits of marijuana. I say that cause you really have no argument as to all the wonderful benefits it provides. Our government has studied these benefits and because they are so great they made it at one time illegal. It would cause to much competition with the big pharmaceutical companies. Cancer is a 400 Billion Dollar Industry and out of control. Truth is most of you are on some type of pharmaceutical medication of some type and if you only really knew most of your illnesses are cause by the food and medication you are on. You don’t eat right so you have medical problems and then you take what ever experimental drug the doctors give you. You poison your grandchildren with toxic food approved by the FDA. So of you think it is good to eat mac and cheese and hot dogs?. You see what I mean. You sound foolish to those of us that know the benefits. Medical marijuana could be a benefit to you in some way or another. A foolish person has little to no understanding of much. That is a known fact.
    illegal growers should be out but don’t make it hard for those who follow the rules and are helping their follow man. The human race is precious and we should protect our bodies with what goes into them. Think about the additives and preservatives and hormones and antibiotics in the food you eat each and everyday. How much toxin do you think you are living with. You have no idea about homeless and you past judgment on others by type. What is in you closet? Are you just talking up your…. or do you really know that woman with children. How do you know her circumstance. Gossip, Miss, Mrs. or Mr. anonymous, doesn’t solve problems it make them.

  7. Mike Gottselig   October 25, 2017 1:53 pm - at 1:53 pm

    Those who want it banned don’t understand the health benefits. The ignorance baffles me. Banned cannabis means leaving our loved ones with no relief from cancer, Parkinson, chronic pain, It can be used to treat Glaucoma, It can help control epileptic seizures, It also decreases the symptoms of a severe seizure disorder known as Dravet’s Syndrome, A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer from spreading, THC slows the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, The drug eases the pain of multiple sclerosis. The list goes on. Wake up people. Medical Cannabis is a necessity!

  8. Anonymous   October 26, 2017 10:29 pm - at 10:29 pm

    Many people respond very well to “CBD” for anxiety. I truly hope these oils, edibles will be made available. There is NO HIGH or side effects from this. It works for seizures, and pain. What I’m trying to say is, there are many people that don’t want to get high, but have a better quality of life. So, PLEASE ………… if you are a “Club” and plan on having CBD available, I realize it’s not common, message me back!

  9. prapannasmith   October 28, 2017 8:51 am - at 8:51 am

    NOTICE: If I see “Anonymous” posting here, I’ll not read a single word of it. At least the Pinetree is finally starting to get it right. Now, go all the way and don’t permit “Anonymous” posters at all! If you do so, perhaps people will be more civil here.