Say No to Drugs Poster Contest Winners & Prizes

San Andreas, CA…Yesterday, November 2nd 2017, Sheriff Rick DiBasilio presented several students from Valley Springs Elementary School, Avery Middle School and Michelson Elementary School with backpacks and school supplies as prizes. These students participated in the Sheriff’s Office third annual ‘Say No to Drugs’ Poster Contest that concluded last week coinciding with Red Ribbon Week.

The poster contest theme this year mimicked the 2017 Red Ribbon Week campaign theme of “Your Future is Key to Stay Drug Free”. This poster contest was created in 2015 in hopes to incorporate alcohol and drug discussion into creative expression and to increase self-esteem for students that choose to participate and submit their hand drawn posters. Winners were presented with the prizes yesterday by the Sheriff.

This contest is part of the Sheriff’s Office BJA Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program. The contest is presented annually by the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office, Calaveras County District Attorney’s Office, Angels Camp Police Department, and the Calaveras County Office of Education. Thank you to all of the students and schools who participated.