Chaplain Dick Brown Is Tackling His Health – Family Heart Disease History Cannot be Ignored

Rancho Calaveras, CA…A family history of heart disease has made Dick Brown of Rancho Calaveras pay more attention to his health than most men. He says, “If I had ignored it, I would be dead by now.” His father passed away at the age of 57 after a lifetime of cardiac issues, including four heart attacks. Dick sadly notes that his older brother did not take the family history seriously and passed away three years ago.

One of their father’s heart issues was ventricular fibrillation – an irregular heartbeat – and in 1976 he was part of a beta test at Travis Air Force Base Hospital pioneering Pacemaker technology. The device is implanted in the chest to provide an electric pulse to regulate the heartbeat. Ironically, 41 years later in mid-September, 2017, Dick had the same procedure with the latest state-of-the-art Pacemaker.

Even with his heightened awareness of probable heart issues Dick admits in his younger years he did not seek
consistent medical attention. “Like most men I just saw the doctor when I had a problem.” The family heart history
caught up with him 16 years ago through routine tests prior to knee surgery.

Dick and his wife Debbie have three adult children and six grandchildren.