Celebration of Life for Sarah & Ariana Will Be on December 9th at 1pm.

Angels Camp, CA…Celebration of Life for Sarah and Ariana to be held at Utica Park in Angels Camp on December the 9th at 1:00 PM. Sarah Rohde was described by loved ones as intelligent, funny, a dreamer with a sunny disposition and could make light and joy out of any situation, but most importantly Sarah was a wonderful mother and partner in life. Ariana, a sassy and sweet little angel of only 19 months who had so much more of life to live. The mother and daughter were tragically taken from us too soon, and were survived by Sarah’s fiancé and Ariana’s father Dajon Harris, and son Julian.

The outpour of love and support for the family and all affected is momentous and very moving. Sarah’s family would like to extend an open invitation to Sarah and Ariana’s Celebration of Life which is to be Pot Luck style, and held at Utica Park in Angels Camp on Saturday, December the 9th at 1:00 PM.

Again, thank you so much for your kind words, love and support. We hope to see you there.