Be On The Lookout For Burglary Crew Working Hwy 4 Corridor & Save Your Surveillance Video Footage

Arnold, CA…From a reader..”Good evening, I was hoping you could please put the word out.. Many burglaries have been occurring in Arnold lately. (Right now it’s Pine Dr. and that side of Meadowmont) More so than usual! Just this morning we woke up to our truck ransacked and minor stuff being stolen. I have now heard several reports of people having their whole Trucks, full of work tools stolen. Along with other random big equipment such as wood splitters and chainsaws, and other household tools. Even gasoline has been siphoned out of delivery trucks from our local businesses. These thieves are so low they have even stolen from our community churches and charities. I realize this is nothing new, but right now, these people are desperate and that’s scary!”

We have touched bases with the Sheriff’s Department and have been assured they are working these incidents. With patterns we have heard about it may be a recycled local criminal or criminals. They know their way around and softer targets.