National Forest Now Open Range ~ Op-Ed By Tony Gheno

Sonora, CA…The Toulumne County Court has determined that National Forest Land is now Open Range. This is a huge change considering it has been closed range since the gold rush days. This affects thousands of property owners in our county. Any land that borders the forest or in the forest can now run Cattle, if the FS wants to stop them they will need to build fences to keep them off FS land.

I had been fighting the ranchers to stop trespassing my property out near the Mt Knight area, I had Randy Havelt Look into this and why the sheriffs dept and county courts refused too assert these guys when we we made aware The Toulumne County Court has determined that Nation Forest Land is now Open Range

This is a huge change considering it has been closed range since the gold rush days

This affects thousands of property owners in our county. Any land that borders the forest or in the forest can now run Cattle, if the FS wants to stop them they will need to build fences to keep them off FS land

I had been fighting the ranchers in my area to stop trespassing my property out near the Mt Knight area, I had Randy Havelt Look into this and why the sheriffs dpt and county courts refused too Prosecute these guys when we we made aware that the courts determined that while Toulumne County is closed range, the FS land is open range.

The following response from a County person involved:

“We are aware of this and have made every attempt to solve Mr. Gheno’s issues. It comes down to that this forest is “open range”, meaning it is the property owners responsibility to fence his/her property to keep the cattle out of his/her land. “

One Response to "National Forest Now Open Range ~ Op-Ed By Tony Gheno"

  1. Anonymous   February 1, 2018 10:29 am - at 10:29 am

    Fine with us. Our property is in the Long Valley Area and the cattle basically just pass through.
    It keeps the fire hazard down. If we had a choice – we would like to fence off the ATV riders who
    zoom through our property, create constant dust, and are dangerous with our horses.