NCPA Employee Found Coconut “Coco” & Beau “Diddly” on Tuolumne Side of Stanislaus River

Murphys, CA…In another very happy ending to a local lost dog story. The NCPS’s Sandy Rainey passed this along to us. “The Pine Tree News: FYI……………Yesterday, one of our employees, Steven Popish found the two dogs on the Tuolumne side of the river just south of McKays dam. We contacted the owners, who picked up the dogs yesterday. Note: They were very cold and very hungry. Good ending to the story.”

About NCPA..

The North Fork Stanislaus River Hydroelectric Development Project (FERC Project No. 2409) is a hydroelectric project on the North Fork of the Stanislaus River in Alpine, Calaveras, and Tuolumne Counties. The Project, which has the capacity to generate 250 megawatts of power, includes the New Spicer Meadow Dam and Reservoir, two diversion dams and tunnels, the McKay’s Point Reservoir with a power tunnel to the main powerhouse, and two transmission lines.

The Upper Utica Project (FERC Project 11563) is located on Silver Creek (Lake Alpine) and the North Fork Stanislaus River (Union and Utica Reservoirs) in Alpine and Tuolumne Counties. The Project includes three small storage reservoirs: Lake Alpine, Union Reservoir and Utica Reservoir. There are no generation facilities associated with this project.

To operate and maintain the Hydro Project within regulatory requirements, with emphasis on the most cost effective use of resources while ensuring public, staff and environmental safety.