Lock it up! Don’t Make it Easy for a Thief.

Sonora, CA…From the Tuolumne Sheriff’s Dept…”There have been several vehicle break-ins reported to our office this week that occurred in the Jamestown area of Jamestown Road, Chicken Ranch Road and Seco Street. Valuables such as wallets and important paperwork were taken. These vehicles were left unlocked making it easy for the thief to take advantage of the opportunity and get away quickly. Remember to lock your doors and always remove and leave valuable items at home.

*NEVER leave ANYTHING visible inside your vehicle. Keep your car clean and tidy.
* If you’re going out and have to leave something in your car, put it in your trunk BEFORE you arrive at your destination. Putting items in your trunk while at your parking spot can tip off a thief that you have items to steal.
* Thieves take things you might think are worthless, smashing your car windows while doing so. Things like sunglasses, loose change, and empty bags that may not appear to be empty to a thief.
* Park in a spot that is well lit and avoid parking on isolated side streets.

If you see a car break in call law enforcement and give them as much information as possible.
This includes location, description of the thief; provide as much information as you can, such as sex, race, age, height, weight, hair color and length, color and length of facial hair, colors and style of clothing, and identifying marks such as tattoos.

If the thief flees, give the direction of travel and description of the vehicle if not on foot.”