Meet the New Winemaker & Celebrate Torcido Day at Twisted Oak on March 10th

Vallecito, CA…Oh Boy this is gonna be great! It’s been like ten years since we released our very first Twisted Little Freak, the 2005 Torcido Garnacha. Named for the gnarly “head-trained” vines that give the Torcido its unique character, this Garnacha has quickly become a Twisted Oak mainstay and a Few Favorite!

We figured it was about time to haul those older vintages out of the dungeon and see how they taste! So come and taste every vintage Torcido from 2005 all the way to the present, and beyond! We’ll have food to match, and you can even take some older vintages home with you!

And whilst you are here, take a moment to… Meet our Winemaker, Ryan Teeter! He’s not so freakish once you get to know him. Seriously, ask him anything. Bwa ha ha! By the way, the staff have of late taken to calling him “Teets” and I think the name will stick. Come to Torcido Day and tell us what you think!

Torcido Day is March 10th from 1pm to 4pm at the Winery in Vallecito. Your Twisted Few ticket price is just $10 per person – bring guests for the same price! – for all of the tasting, food, and fun!