Dear California Students, Parents & Faculty ~ Letter to the Editor by Dave & Melissa Wagner

Arnold, CA…Your Governor has advertised to every mass shooter out there that California schools are now a soft target that will offer no armed resistance to a shooter going for a high body count. He has “outlawed” the right of licensed carry and responsible defensive firearm possession on school campuses (Penal Code 626.9-11). That means that even those parents or staff that you might not even know about who are trained, qualified, and licensed to discreetly carry a weapon are no longer able to protect you at school, or even near school. Sorry.

That means that you will be on your own to teach your children, your students (even Kindergarteners), and yourselves how to outrun a bad guy with a gun at school. You (even teachers) will have to learn how to cower like a scared animal in a “safe zone” in the corner of a building and wait for law enforcement to arrive in 6 minutes, or 40 minutes in rural areas. You (even substitutes) will have to figure out how to block doors and windows, and throw chairs and fire extinguishers at the bad guy with the gun if he breaks into your classroom. Sorry.

The Governor encourages you to use your First Amendment right to spout off and demonstrate about how upset you are about violence in schools, while he chisels away the Second Amendment right of qualified, trained, and licensed adults who could have made an effort to protect you and at least slow down and distract, if not stop, the threat at school. Sorry.

How’s that feel for “safe schools” and optimized learning environment?
How’s that for saving lives and minimizing body count?
How’s that for school funding as budgets get channeled toward hardening our schools with anti-shooter measures, trauma first-aid supplies and lawyers instead of teachers, learning resources and supports?

Who reads and heeds “Gun-Free” signs? In fact, who eagerly looks for that sign at a school, a church, a business? Those who have a gun and ill intent and nothing to lose. Those who want a high body count and time to accomplish their evil objective.

California Governor – Is that the kind of “safe school” you want your grandchildren to attend? California Governor, have you surrendered your Second Amendment right that affords protection of your own family members and yourself?

Do the math: a trained good guy with a gun > a bad guy with a gun.

California Children: I am sorry that the adults are failing you….that politicians are putting you in grave danger when you go to the place where you are supposed to feel safe about learning and playing…that the most effective defensive protection has been taken from your schools…that even though I work with you and am trained to protect, I am no longer allowed to…that the world is telling you to shout and march, instead of providing you with staff that have the power and ability to protect you from evil, deadly threats.

California Parents and Teachers: In schools now, your voice to the Governor and “powers that be” is the only remaining defensive weapon against mass shooters. Do the research, then use it to convey what you believe to be the best, most effective measures to counter the mass shooter threat in schools.

Demonstrations and protests are not going to stop mass shooters. “No shooting, please” signs are not going to deter a shooter. Gun control is not going to prevent mass shootings. And the illegal revoking of Second Amendment rights from responsibly-armed citizens, is certainly NOT going to stop a mass shooter!

I express this on behalf of the kids I am responsible for in school and in my family and in my community. But our rights to protection and the safest possible environment in our schools needs to be much larger-scale – to all schools, families, and communities.
Cut, copy, paste, share this as you please. Save our freedoms, save our children

One Response to "Dear California Students, Parents & Faculty ~ Letter to the Editor by Dave & Melissa Wagner"

  1. Anonymous   March 12, 2018 10:06 am - at 10:06 am

    Good, keep the stupid guns out of the schools, hope you know that trump isn’t serious about arming teachers and is ONLY talking about it to take attention away from enacting ACTUAL gun control.