Taxpayer Group Sides with Planning Director

San Andreas, CA…Al Segalla, President of the Calaveras County Taxpayers Association, said “The more we discover the facts, the more it becomes apparent that the Planning Director was correct in approving the Asphalt Hot Plant application.

The fumes issue is handled by a cleaning process approved by the regulatory agencies. In fact, there are 11 government agencies with rules to be complied with and the owner claims to have done so for 25 years without incident.

Asphalt is not a hazard or a pollutant. It is used extensively on all our roads. It sheds water and there is no danger of groundwater contamination or danger to our water supply. The CCWD Board should have known this before calling for Planning Commission review.

If local government were to demand a 1/2 million dollar EIR from the company, the result would likely be a disaster for the little company and yet another black eye for business in our county. How long can this company withstand the highly organized hate campaign?

This company is under attack with false accusations. The only hope for Ford Construction Company and our fragile economy is for honest people of good will to learn the truth and speak up now.”

Albert J. Segalla, President
Calaveras County Taxpayers Association
PO Box 1493
San Andreas, CA 95249
(209) 785-1491
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