Caltrans Crews Punch Through To Mosquito Lake on Ebbetts Pass National Scenic Byway…Hope to Open Hwy 4 Before Memorial Day!

Lake Alpine, CA…From Caltrans District 10…”Camp Connell Area Maintenance Supervisor Mike Johnson made his way up Ebbetts Pass (SR-4) yesterday and sent back some photos of his crew working their way to the east end of Mosquito Lake at the Pacific Grade Summit. Mike reports that the snow is usually deepest at the old corrals at Sandy Meadows and that they didn’t expect to be that far along until later in the week. Warm weather and a new piece of equipment they are using this year are helping them make even better progress than anticipated.

There is some damage to the road that will need to be fixed, but at this point he thinks they will be able to knock it out pretty quick. The crew will keep plowing towards Hermit Valley and on up to the summit of Ebbetts Pass while another crew handles the necessary repairs.

Ebbetts Pass itself remains closed. Caltrans strives to have all passes open by Memorial Day weekend.