The Lives Given is Service to Our Country in Battle from 1775 -1991

Washington, DC….The graphic below from the Department of Veterans Affairs is a stark reminder of the enormous sacrifices paid for our freedoms. Total Military Service During Wartime, 41,892,128. Battle Deaths, 651,031.
Other deaths in service (theater), 308,800. Other deaths in service (nontheater), 230,254. Nonmortal woundings 1,430,290. Thank You to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

One Response to "The Lives Given is Service to Our Country in Battle from 1775 -1991"

  1. Steven Smith   May 28, 2018 9:49 am - at 9:49 am

    It would be nice to have all our guys back from the recent war, but it’s vital and we need them-God Bless them and God Bless our President!