Grace & Mercy after a Crash is Sermon Topic Today at Foothill Community Church

Angels Camp, CA…The Foothill Community Church Experience. At Foothill, we want to “clear the way” for you to come to church. We want you to be able to experience the great music, encouraging messages, friendly people and enjoyable atmosphere that are part of Foothill.

Now we know that your first time at a church can raise many questions, such as:

How do I get there… What should I wear…What’s available for my kids…and What should I expect in church? Here is a quick look at what you can expect.

What should I expect when I visit?

Here at Foothill, we’ll make sure the first face you see when you approach the church has a smile on it. Whether you need childcare or are looking for a place for your teens, a greeter will be nearby to help you get where you’d like to go.

When you enter the sanctuary, you’ll meet happy people, enjoy upbeat music, and hear a practical message that will help you deal with real life issues. You’ll also be given a bulletin with a sermon outline and a weekly devotional, so that what you learn at church can be applied to your life during the week.

At Foothill, we want to help you connect with Jesus in a personal and practical way. We also want you to be able to connect with one another. We believe that the best way to get connected and stay connected, is through a small group experience. Becoming part of a small group is easy… find out how!

What should I wear?

We are more concerned with meeting your real life needs than with what you wear, so dress casual and you’ll fit right in.

What about my kids?

We know that as a parent you need to be sure that your children are in a SAFE learning environment. We also know that your children are looking for a FUN place to learn. At Foothill we are working hard to bring your children the best curriculum, and teachers we can find. To see some of the programs and events we have available for your youth, simply select “Youth” or “Children” on the menu.

How do I get there?

Simply click here for a map to our church. If you need more help, please feel free to call the front office at 736-9338

Mission Statement
Foothill Community Church is an inter-denominational, family oriented community of believers in Jesus the Messiah, who share a common vision for loving God, loving one another, and making disciples.

Statement of Faith

God is the eternally existent Creator of the heavens and the earth. He is a plurality and unity of One Who has revealed Himself to mankind through the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Jesus the Messiah

Jesus is the pre-existent, fullness of God in human form. Conceived by the Holy Spirit and born to the virgin Mary, Jesus was fully God and fully man. Jesus lived in perfect obedience to the Father as His earthly Son and sacrificed His life as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus rose from the dead to prove that He has authority and power over sin and death, and that His promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him is true. Jesus is the Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the Jewish/Gentile Church, His “bride.” Jesus will one day return to judge the hearts of humanity past, present, and future, and bring everlasting peace to the earth.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the very heart and power of God. He convicts of sin and reveals our need for a Savior. The Holy Spirit also baptizes all believers when they believe in their hearts and profess with their mouths that Jesus is the Savior of the world. The Holy Spirit prays for us, guides us through God’s living word, and comforts and heals us emotionally, spiritually and physically.


Although all men and women are created in God’s image, we are all born with a tendency to rebel against God’s authority, and we stray from His instructions and His love. This is known as “sin” or the missing of the mark. mankind is however redeemable through faith in Jesus, God’s offer of peace and forgiveness.


Jesus came, died and rose from the dead to save us from self destruction and eternal condemnation. Through faith in Jesus we are forgiven our sin, returned to right relationship with God, and given a new, eternal life.

The Church

The Church is made up of all sincere believers in Jesus throughout time. The church consists of individuals and groupings of Christians who comprise the “Body” of Christ.

Israel and the Church

The church has a special calling to bless Israel and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. FCC has been abundantly blessed because we sincerely love God’s people and support Israel’s Biblical right to live in God’s land. (Gen. 12:1-3, Psa. 122:6, Rom. 11:1-27)