Our Mission is to Inform, Entertain & Move the Local Economy Forward!

Arnold, CA…Our mission each and everyday is to keep your customers informed, entertained and shopping at local businesses. We are lucky enough to cover some of the best regions on the planet. What makes our area great is not only the scenic beauty and recreation opportunities but the small family run businesses that are the bulk of our local economy. When you shop here most likely you are shopping with an individually owned and operated business. These businesses are the heart and soul of our local communities. They also provide a look at a vibrant quilt of local business dreams and many times multi-generational family heritages. So Shop Local, Shop Often & Celebrate Local Dreams!

All Ad Packages Now Include Display Ads & Video Promotions! Call 209.768.3929 or Drop us a line at news@thepinetree.net

Vibrant local economies are increasingly fragile. As the Big Box world and online giants threaten traditional retail our local businesses provide you something more. They provide you the opportunity to show that main street does matter.

Local grocery stores that have spent generations supplying the ingredients for daily lives of local families does provide more than just food. They provide and sense of place and community that no chain store ever can.

Local wineries that provide not only liquid celebration but a story behind every bottle and beautiful venues as a backdrop for your own life events that become part of your story.

Local hardware stores, lumber yards and ranch supply stores that provide the stuff that homes are made of, repaired with and animals fed. Many of our local youth had some of their first formative memories following their dads around on another trip to the hardware or feed store and back home to make repairs or finish the chores.

Local appliance and furniture stores that provided that appliances that your grand father used. You can still furnish your home locally but also carry on a family tradition.

Our local communities can still provide a glimpse into the past while they still work on supplying today’s needs.

If you are a local business that would like for us to help promote your wares it would be an honor to have you join our advertising family. Our goal is to provide the best value in not only local media but also pricing that is competitive with social media as well.

Your advertising investment can help not only grow your business but support local media as well.

Today we are launching new advertising packages where all advertisers will also get mentions and plugs not only on our website but also on our over 20 hours of live programming per week.

ThePineTree.net now averages over 7,000,000 monthly page views and with our video programming many of our visitors now spend over an hour per visit on our site. In April it was an honor to have a monthly unique audience of just over 190,000. These are directly measured numbers on our servers.

Our goal is to provide not only the experience of the local paper but of the local TV station as well. Our life’s work is to keep you informed, promote local businesses, non-profits and community organizations.

Thank You for your time and visits. If you have promotional needs we can help with it would be an honor to be of service. Give us a call at 209.768.3929 or email us at news@ThePineTree.net