Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Benefit Rural Counties

Sacramento, CA…The 2018-19 State Budget Package allocates $1.4 billion from the state’s Cap-and-Trade auction proceeds, which is an uptick from the $1.25 billion in the Governor’s January proposed Budget due to higher than expected revenues over the past year.  The final 2018-19 Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan includes significant investments in program areas vital to rural communities, including $160 million for forest health and restoration projects, $30 million for prescribed fire and other fuels reduction projects to carry out the goals of the Forest Carbon Plan, $20 million for Northern, Coastal, and Southern California Regional Forest Health Projects, and $25 million for local fire response.

While the $160 million was originally proposed by the Governor in January, the additional forest health funds were added by the Legislature to aid with wildfire prevention and forest restoration programs.  The State Budget Package also contains $25 million for waste diversion programs, which is an increase of $5 million over the Governor’s January proposed Budget, but a $15 million decrease from the 2017-18 State Budget.

RCRC will continue to advocate for allocation of auction proceeds to these and other programs and projects that benefit rural communities.  RCRC will also continue to pursue a change in the current definition of “disadvantaged communities” to disseminate Cap-and-Trade proceeds, as the current definition excludes most rural communities from receiving these funds.  RCRC will also continue seeking targeted rural funds in the various funding programs.

2018-19 Cap-and-Trade Expenditure Plan

Investment Category Department Program Amount

(In Millions)

AB 617 Implementation Air Resources Board Community Air Protection $245
Local Air District Implementation $20
Technical Assistance to Community Groups $10
Low Carbon Transportation Air Resources Board Clean Vehicle Rebate Project $175
Clean Trucks, Buses & Off-Road Freight Equipment $180
Enhanced Fleet Modernization Program $100
Energy Commission Low Carbon Fuel Production $12.5
Climate Smart Agriculture Air Resources Board Agricultural Diesel Engine Replacement and Upgrades $112
Energy Commission Energy Efficiency $64
Department of Food and Agriculture Renewable Energy $4
Energy Commission Healthy Soils $5
Sustainable Forests CAL FIRE Fire Prevention $160
Forest Carbon Plan: Prescribed Fire & Fuel Reduction $30
Urban Forestry $5

Natural Resources Agency

Forest Carbon Plan: Northern, Coastal and Southern California Regional Forest Health Projects $20
CalOES Local Fire Response $25
Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Department of Food and Agriculture Methane Reduction $99
CalRecycle Waste Diversion $25
Air Resources Board Woodstoves $3
Integrated Climate Action: Mitigation and Resilience Strategic Growth Council Transformative Climate Communities $40
Natural Resources Agency Urban Greening $20
Various Coastal Resilience $5
Department of Fish and Wildlife Wetlands Restoration $5
Community Services & Development Low-Income Weatherization $10
California Conservation Corps Energy Corps $6
Climate and Clean Energy Research Strategic Growth Council California Climate Change Technology and Solutions Initiative & Technical Assistance $20
Total $1,400