MET Team Marijuana Eradication near Murphys

Murphys, CA…On 8-2-18 the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office Marijuana Enforcement Team served two search warrants near Murphys, CA. Both of these locations were illegal commercial sized marijuana cultivation sites that had been previously eradicated by the Sheriff’s Office in 2017. No suspects were found at either location yesterday.
At the first location in the 4000 block of Globe Lily Gln, deputies eradicated 313 marijuana plants. In the 2017 case, this location was noted with numerous environmental violations including damming the waterway and open/unsecure chemicals in close proximity to the waterway. During yesterday’s operation, deputies noted that suspects occupying this site had not cleaned up or made any attempts for reclamation of the land. Many of the environmental violations from 2017 were still occurring.

At the second location in the 4000 block of Esmerelda, deputies eradicated 989 marijuana plants, seized 1.7 pounds of processed marijuana, and seized 2.41 pounds of butane honey oil (concentrated cannabis). Calaveras County Animal Services was called to the scene to take custody and care of five dogs that deputies located in a shed on the property. Violations associated with environmental damage were noted at this site as well including the improper discarding of petroleum products on the ground throughout the property.

These cases are still under investigation. No further information is available at this time.

2 Responses to "MET Team Marijuana Eradication near Murphys"

  1. Anonymous   August 3, 2018 1:29 pm - at 1:29 pm

    Good! Eradicate them all! Thank you CCSO!

  2. Anonymous   August 7, 2018 3:14 pm - at 3:14 pm

    Good? Eradicate what’s already been eradicated. Kudos for something our county spent and wasted money on a previous raid, again? Unicorns and rainbows right. What a joke, only a couple thousand to go. Good luck law enforcement. With no funds how on earth is there an expectation to get rid of them all, will you give us a logical explanation?