Mornings with the One Percent™ Live Weekdays 7-10am, This Morning’s Replays are Below

Arnold, CA…Mornings with the One Percent™ is live weekday mornings from 7-10am. The premise for the show is that the USDA ranked all 3,142 counties or county equivalents in the USA on a livability or desirability scale based on factors such as climate, scenic beauty, bodies of water for recreation, humidity and much more. All of our area ranked not only in the top one percent but in the top one half of one percent. So in the ups and downs of daily life remember you don’t have to be a Gates, Buffett or Bezos to live like the one percent. Just live here!

One Response to "Mornings with the One Percent™ Live Weekdays 7-10am, This Morning’s Replays are Below"

  1. Stephen R Smith   August 20, 2018 12:34 pm - at 12:34 pm

    whats all that noise about with no visual on first video?