McClintock at “Stop the Water Grab” Rally at State Capitol

Sacramento, CA…We live in one of the most water rich regions of the country, and yet our families are now facing the threat of catastrophic water shortages and year-round water rationing. Not because of any act of God, but because of breathtakingly stupid acts of state government. THAT we can change. We don’t build our reservoirs to more efficiently dump water into the ocean. We build them to store surplus water from wet times so that we have plenty in dry times.

Our state government has forgotten this. They’ve forgotten that before we built our reservoirs, in a drought the rivers all but dried up and there were no fish. They’ve forgotten that raging flood waters blew out entire riparian habitats. And they have forgotten that millions of human beings — for whom they’re supposed to work — depend on the water stored in those reservoirs for their prosperity and quality of life. Our would-be rulers may have forgotten, but we haven’t. And we’re about to remind them.

We are at a crossroads between two very different visions of the future.

One is the nihilistic vision of the environmental left: increasingly severe government-induced water shortages, higher and higher prices for electricity and water and food, fewer jobs and a permanently declining quality of life for our children, who will be mandated to stretch and ration every drop of water in their lives.

The other is a vision of abundance: of great new reservoirs that guarantee plentiful water, hydroelectricity, jobs, recreation, affordable groceries – a prosperous future for our children who can enjoy the quality of life that abundant water guarantees.

This is a choice and it is a simple one: scarcity OR abundance; prosperity OR poverty. And this choice requires the active engagement of every citizen to take back this government of, by and for the people.

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One Response to "McClintock at “Stop the Water Grab” Rally at State Capitol"

  1. Mike   August 20, 2018 8:13 pm - at 8:13 pm

    We the people of copperopolis Calif voted in the build the Dam in Calaveras county so we would have water. The govenor Wanta ro build supper trains! We need water storage in southern California! Not more trains !