Calaveras County Repaying Renewal Fees for Commercial Cannabis Growers

San Andreas, CA – Calaveras County is working towards a final conclusion of the commercial cannabis regulatory program. Part of that process will require an accounting and possible reimbursement of funds remaining in the regulatory fee fund. The initial reimbursements for those growers who paid a renewal registration fee will occur by October 15, 2018. Renewal fees were paid 28 cultivation sites who will be notified of the availability of a refund check.

There still remain dollars in the commercial medical cannabis registration fee fund, after the renewal fees are paid. Further review and a complete accounting of costs of the program will be required before any remaining funds will be dispersed on a pro rata basis to other participants in the commercial cannabis regulatory program. That accounting will begin in Fall 2018.

Questions from applicants regarding refunds may be directed to the County’s Planning Department. Other inquires may be directed to the County PIO, Timothy Lutz, at 209-754-6025.

3 Responses to "Calaveras County Repaying Renewal Fees for Commercial Cannabis Growers"

  1. Becca Thatcher   September 6, 2018 9:10 pm - at 9:10 pm

    Guess that makes Alice Montgomery a big big big liar. Calaveras did not lose money regulating cannabis. They lost money banning commercial cannabis.

  2. Bill Wilson   September 7, 2018 8:19 am - at 8:19 am

    WOW so they have charged more than they needed to regulate the program so the fees were to high and they collected money from growers that didn’t get their year. Now what did those fees that went to the SO go for since the new hires were moved, inspections weren’t done or had to be done by CHP not the SO, someone noticed flashlights were bought for the cannabis program seems those weren’t/ aren’t needed what else? We need a forensic accounting of those fees…..

  3. Anonymous   September 11, 2018 3:34 pm - at 3:34 pm

    Becca and Bill: You people are way off base!