New Regional Director Brings Research, Consulting Experience to California Trout’s Sierra Headwaters Office

Mammoth Lakes, CA…Non-profit fish research and advocacy group California Trout has hired a new director for its Sierra Headwaters Region. Dr. Eric Huber, a recent graduate of UC Berkeley’s doctoral program in Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, will lead CalTrout’s projects throughout the Sierra Nevada region. Huber’s work will mainly focus on CalTrout’s Sierra Meadows research and restoration project, collaborating with a diverse group of partner organizations to restore high-altitude meadow ecosystems. The goal, said Huber, is “to achieve multi-benefit outcomes, including improved habitat for plants and wildlife, sequestration of greenhouse gases, and a safer and more reliable water source for Californians.”

“I am looking forward to working with a broad range of groups committed to solving crucial and complex natural resource challenges in California,” Huber continued.

The Sierra Nevada region provides more than 60% of California’s developed water supply, which is critical to supporting local and downstream economic livelihoods, and is home to the majority of California’s inland native trout species. Sierra Meadows also act as carbon sinks, making them critically-important buffers against climate change.

Huber’s Ph.D. research focused on fish ecology along California’s Central Coast and hatchery management practices in the Central Valley. Prior to that, Huber studied the impacts of sedimentation on aquatic life in rivers throughout the state’s coastal and Sierra Nevada mountains; conducted research at the UC Davis Aquatic Ecosystems Analysis Laboratory; and worked as the manager of a fish ecology research lab at UC Berkeley. He has additional work experience in environmental consulting and teaching.

Huber also worked as a field technician for the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Harvard University and Michigan Technological University, where he helped maintain microclimate stations to study carbon dioxide fluxes in different types of forest ecosystems. This area of research is closely related to CalTrout’s Sierra Headwater Meadows keystone initiative. Dr. Huber’s varied background is well-suited for implementing and coordinating CalTrout’s interdisciplinary projects.

Before joining CalTrout, Huber took a road trip, bicycling from Maine to Wyoming through the country’s heartland. “I enjoy traveling by bicycle because, in addition to the tremendous physical challenges, it is undoubtedly the finest way for me to observe landscapes and meet and interact with local residents,” he explained. “On this trip, I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the shared values, struggles, and concerns currently experienced by many Americans from vastly different walks of life. I am confident that my traveling experience has enriched my university training and will help me engage with a diverse group of stakeholders in my new role with CalTrout.”

To read more about Dr. Huber, see his bio on the CalTrout website:

About California Trout

Since 1971, CalTrout has worked to solve complex resource issues while balancing the needs of wild fish and people. CalTrout uses research, outreach, partnership-building and advocacy to ensure resilient wild fish thriving in healthy waters for a better California. With a central office in San Francisco, the organization runs projects from six regional offices, including North Coast, Mt. Shasta/Klamath, Sierra Headwaters, Central Valley, San Diego, and Ventura.
