The McClintock Campaign asks Who Is The Real Jessica Morse?

Mariposa, CA…We published the post debate release from the Morse campaign and here is the post debate piece from the McClintock campaign. Sunday’s debate between Congressman McClintock and Jessica Morse highlighted a clear choice for voters in District 4, a choice that is as clear as it gets.  While Rep. McClintock highlighted a vision of economic growth, national security, and local control of our lands, Morse stuck to her script of lying about McClintock’s record (and her own) and trotted out the leftist playbook of more government, higher taxes, heavier regulations, more bureaucracy, and fewer choices.

Here are the top three takeaways:

1. Jessica Morse: Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All Flip-Flop

Jessica Morse is a liberal extremist, left of Bernie Sanders candidate who can’t make up her mind when it comes to just how socialized her healthcare proposal should be.

Yesterday, when asked about her support for nationalizing healthcare and Bernie Sanders’ Medicare-for-All plan she stated, “I’m not supporting Medicare-for-all.”


Multiple times during her campaign, Morse has said she supports Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for All” plan and single-payer healthcare, both of which would nationalize healthcare. WATCH HERE. And HERE. And HERE. and HERE.

“I think Medicare for All is a direction we need to go in.” (Placer Women Democrats,10/24/17)

“I support a single-payer model.” (Oakhurst, 12/8/17)

“I’ve been a strong advocate for single-payer healthcare.” (Foothhills Rising, 10/14/17)

“We need to have single-payer healthcare. End of sentence.” (El Dorado Progressives,11/8/17)

It’s not surprising that Morse lied about her support for nationalizing healthcare in yesterday’s debate.

After all, it’s hard to admit you support taking away the private healthcare plans of 156 million Americans, long delays in receiving care, putting everyone’s healthcare in the hands of the federal government, and the doubling of nearly every federal tax to pay for it.

2. Jessica Morse: Sanctuary City Cheerleader

1 in 5 federal prisoners in our system are here illegally. Once these dangers felons, violent gang members, and terrorists are released, they are being dumped in our streets—instead of being deported.

For example, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, announced early this year that they re-arrested 45 dangerous criminal illegal aliens released under California’s sanctuary state law for a variety of felonies which included attempted murder, child abduction, DUI and many other crimes. Morse SUPPORTS this dangerous Sanctuary State and City movement.

“What sanctuary cities did is it allowed the communities to feel safe enough to continue to report to our police…We don’t want people living under ground or living in the shadows it allows criminal behavior to continue if your neighbors aren’t reporting criminal activity.”(Oakhurst, 12/8/2017)

Yesterday, she doubled down on this absurd and extremely unpopular lawlessness—calling sanctuary city policy one that “makes people feel safe.”

For a so-called national security policy expert, Morse has shown a complete lack of security gravitas by cheerleading for breaking of our laws and tying the hands of our law enforcement.


It’s no secret that Morse has a troubled relationship with the truth when it comes to her past, her resume, and her credentials.

Yet, when consistently called out on it—like she was yesterday at the debate–Morse refused to answer–completely ignoring questions about her dishonesty.

If a candidate is willing to hide the truth about her past, how can we expect her to be honest about anything else?

3 Responses to "The McClintock Campaign asks Who Is The Real Jessica Morse?"

  1. Tim Ryan   September 26, 2018 12:18 pm - at 12:18 pm

    Jessica Morse is the real answer to the failed policies of Tom McClintock who is just a puppet for Trump. McClintock does not even live in our District. What a joke. It’s time to retire Tom and vote in Jessica Morse who will truly represent District 4.

  2. Nan Fuller   September 27, 2018 12:28 am - at 12:28 am

    McClintock has proven again that he has trouble listening. He has ignored his voters and now he is ignoring the truth. Everything stated here is a distortion of the facts. Morse is for a single payer OPTION that people can choose to buy into. NOT Medicare for all, not taking away your freedom to choose a private plan. This would give people MORE freedom to choose to buy into Medicare and give Medicare more power to negotiate prices down. Morse has answered all questions about her resume and has the references and awards to prove it. Paste this URL in your address bar What work experience does McClintock have beyond a lifetime as a politician?

  3. Marilyn Souza   October 1, 2018 6:31 pm - at 6:31 pm

    As someone who has attended Rep. McClintock’s town hall meetings, I agree completely with the above comments. I was appalled by McClintocks barely disguised contempt for any constituents who don’t agree with him on all points.

    From the above campaign post from the Republicans:


    It’s no secret that Morse has a troubled relationship with the truth when it comes to her past, her resume, and her credentials.

    Yet, when consistently called out on it—like she was yesterday at the debate–Morse refused to answer–completely ignoring questions about her dishonesty.

    If a candidate is willing to hide the truth about her past, how can we expect her to be honest about anything else?

    Odd, how the Republican Senators voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh cavalierly rejected those same above stated concerns during the debacle that was the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearing. Shameful.

    Marilyn Souza
    Diamond Springs