Local Contractor Warns on Local Truck & Tool Thefts

Angels Camp, CA…Last week a local contractor’s truck was stolen in the Angels Camp area. Based on his message below others may want to keep a watchful eye on their trucks and tools. “Late, day before yesterday they found my truck off Red Hill Rd. Along with another truck that had been stolen. Mine was just about completely stripped and everything was gone. The tow guys are pretty sure they know the guy taking them and he’s been charged with 4 counts as far as they know, however he’s not in jail and just had a “failure to appear “.

“Girlfriend’s sister is CHP and said even though it’s a felony, they are mandated by the state (thank you governor Brown) to process all non violent offenders and release them on probation! This is CRAZY! I had nearly $10k in tools stolen and now have to try to haggle with insurance to get the true value of my truck reimbursed. I just don’t get why they can’t lock these thieves up!”

3 Responses to "Local Contractor Warns on Local Truck & Tool Thefts"

  1. Anonymous   October 4, 2018 1:42 pm - at 1:42 pm

    They must have needed that for a bag of weed or a shot of meth?

  2. No name   October 4, 2018 6:17 pm - at 6:17 pm

    It’s so wrong.. Please don’t vote Gavin in it will just get worse

  3. Mike   October 4, 2018 9:33 pm - at 9:33 pm

    That’s because our system is broken! Please do not vote for Gavin it will not be good for California !