4,000 Ballots Left to Count Before Election Results are Complete

San Andeas, CA…From the Calaveras Elections Office…”All polling place results are in and all vote by mails received in our office by 5:00 pm today are included in the current results. There are roughly 4,000 ballots in our office left to count. This includes vote by mail and provisional ballots received at the polling places, over the counter ballots received after 5:00 pm today, and CVR ballots received. We are continuing to count vote by mails received in the mail through Friday, November 9th as long as they were postmarked by Election Day , November 6th.

The final results will be certified no earlier than November 20th and no later than December 6th.

Current results posted here: https://elections.calaverasgov.us/Results

Rebecca Turner
Calaveras County Clerk-Recorder & Registrar of Voters