Mark Twain Union Elementary School District Board in Action Today

Angels Camp, CA…The Mark Twain Union Elementary School District Board is back in action starting at %:30pm. The Agenda is below…

Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
April 11, 2019
Open Session 5:30 P.M. / Closed Session 5:35 P.M. / Open Session 6:30 P.M.
Location: District Boardroom / 981 Tuolumne, Angels Camp, CA 95222
Requests for any disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services in order to participate in the public meeting may
be made by contacting the District Office at (209)736-1855 at least two days prior to the scheduled meeting. Agendas and other writings may also be
requested in alternative formats, as outlined in Section 12132 of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
1. Opening of Closed Session Meeting by Board President
1.1 Establishment of Quorum
2. Public Comment
This time is reserved for any person to address the Board on Closed Session Items.
3. Closed Session Items
The Board will recess to Closed Session to discuss and/or take action with respect to every item of business to be
discussed in Closed Session pursuant to:
3.1 Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Julia Tidball
Employee Organization: Angels Camp Educators ACE/NEA (G.C. 54957.6)
3.2 Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Julia Tidball
Employee Organization: California School Employee Association Chapter 815 (G.C. 54957.6)
3.3 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal
3.4 Personnel Assignment Order
4. Return to Open Session Meeting by Board President 6:30 PM
4.1 Pledge of Allegiance
4.2 Roll Call:
4.3 Report of Action Taken in Closed Session
5. Public Comment
At this time, any person may address the Board on any consent action item or any item not listed on the agenda. Pursuant to the Brown
Act, during this period the Board cannot consider issues or take action on any item not listed. Speakers are asked to state their name,
address and affiliation, and to limit their comments to three minutes.
6. Information & Discussion Items
6.1 Student Share – Mark Twain Elementary
6.2 Student Representatives
6.3 Board Members
6.4 Principals – Copperopolis Elementary/ Mark Twain Elementary
6.5 Certificated Representative
6.6 Classified Representative
6.7 Operations Manager
6.8 Director of Business Services
6.9 Superintendent
6.10 Correspondence –
6.10.1 Calaveras County Office of Education 2017-18 Second Interim Positive Certification (pg. 1)
6.11 Sunshine Letter for Negotiations from Angels Camp Educators CTA/NEA (pg. 2)
6.12 District Openers for Negotiations with Angels Camp Educators CTA/NEA (pg. 3)
7. Consent Agenda Items
All matters listed under Consent Agenda Items are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one motion and voice vote. There
will be no separate discussion of these items unless the Board, staff, or members of the community requests items to be removed from the
Consent Agenda in order to make comments or ask questions. Any item removed will be considered after the motion to approve the
Consent Agenda.
7.1 Approval of Purchase Orders (pgs. 4-5)
7.2 Approval of Warrants (pgs. 6-15)
7.3 Approval of Minutes for March 7, 2019 (pgs. 16-20)
2 | P a g e B o a r d A g e n d a
Posted: April 5 at 4:00 PM
School Sites, Post Offices,, Calaveras Enterprise
7.4 Approval of Interdistrict Attendance Agreements (pg. 21)
7.5 Approval to Discard/Sell/Surplus – Mark Twain Elementary (pgs. 22-23)
7.6 Approval of Field Trip Request to Sunsplash Waterslides for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Reward
– Mark Twain (pg. 24)
7.7 Approval of Badger Boosters Parent Club General Liability Coverage Renewal (pgs. 25-26)
7.8 Resubmitted Consolidated Application to include ESEA Title IV Part A Student Support approx. $11,870.
7.9 Approval of the Williams Uniform Complaint Report Summary 2018-2019 Q3 January–March 2019 (pg. 27)
7.10 Approval to Discard/Sell/Surplus – Copperopolis Elementary (pgs. 28)
8. Review and Action Items
8.1 Approval of Waiver of School Construction Impact Fees for Permit No. BP 18-0273 (pgs. 29)
8.2 Adoption of Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators for the 2019-2020 school year (pgs. 30-32)
8.3 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-019 – Creation of a 6.0 hour Car/Van Driver Position (pgs. 33-34)
8.4 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-020 – Creation of 5.5 hour Office/ITT Clerk Position – Copperopolis (pgs. 35-36)
Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-021 – Elimination of the (1) 4.6667 hr ITT Position and (1) 1 hr Office Clerk
Position – Copperopolis (pgs.37-39)
9. Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
9.1 May 9, 2019 at Copperopolis Elementary at 217 School St., Copperopolis, CA 95228
10. Adjourn
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 1 of 39
April 3, 2019
Dear Mrs. Tidball,
In addition to the normal subjects of salaries and benefits, ACE proposes the
following items as openers for the ’18-’19 contract year:
 The creation of a new Article titled “Instruction” with the following
Academic Freedom
Student Discipline
We look forward to meeting in the coming weeks to work on these issues.
Jeff Airola
Carol Aardal
Tamsen Lenior
Jessica Handgis
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 2 of 39
TO: Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
FROM: Julia Tidball, Superintendent
DATE: April 11, 2019
RE: District Openers for Negotiations with Angels Camp Educators CTA/NEA
I. Support Information
In addition to negotiations regarding salaries and benefits the District is proposing a
multi-year agreement with Angels Camp Educators CTA/NEA. The District would also
like to negotiate Contract Language for the following:
 Medical and dental appointments, in increments of not less than one (1) hour.
 Stipend Schedule/Special Education Lead Teacher
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 3 of 39
Board Report with Fund and Resource
Includes Purchase Orders dated 03/01/2019 – 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Req Fund
Order Amt
Requisition Information Fund
Vendor Name Description
BPO19-00107 Pro Sport Floors Annual – MT Recoat Gym Floor M&O 14 DEF MAINT 3,710.00
BPO19-00108 2019-2020 Document Tracking MTDO 795.00
Document Tracking S 01 STDNT BDY TXFR
BPO19-00109 Copper Kitchen Appliance Service & MTDO 952.69
Commercial Applianc 13 CHLD NUTR-SCH
BPO19-00110 Tuolumne JPA 2018-2019 – AED’s – 3 Philips AED’s MTDO 01 TUOLUMNE JPA 2,589.00
BPO19-00111 2018-2019 Annual Service F Lift M&O 149.87
Holt of California 01 RRM
BPO19-00112 Midstate Automotive 2019 Annual Lift Inspections M&O 01 H-T-S TRANSPORT 405.00
PO19-00284 The Office City District Office Supplies – Calculator MTDO 01 UNREST 66.91
PO19-00285 The Office City Office Supplies COP 01 LOTTERY UNREST 770.86
PO19-00286 SYNCB/AMAZON 6 Foot Round Rug – Donations Fund COP 01 DONATE-COPPER 155.89
PO19-00287 SYNCB/AMAZON Four Tire Assembly – Golf Cart M&O 01 RRM 176.91
PO19-00288 Hdphones, Mice -Proj. & W Mnt Rm P, COP 1,345.26
W Mnt Rm K
PO19-00289 PECS Training 1 – Sacramento 3/25 & COP 256.17
Courtyard Sacrament 01 LCFF-CONC & SUP
PO19-00290 PECS Training 1 – Sacramento 3/25 & COP 429.00
Pyramid Educational 01 LCFF-CONC & SUP
PO19-00291 SYNCB/AMAZON I pad keyboard case ipad 9.7″ MTE 01 SPECIAL ED 35.38
PO19-00292 Tools For Teaching Santa Cruz COP 350.00
Fred Jones Tools Fo 01 ESSA:TIT II PTA
PO19-00293 Lodging Tools For Teaching S. Cruz COP 190.11
The Inn At Pasatiem 01 ESSA:TIT II PTA
PO19-00294 Hubert Company LLC Copper Cafe Supplies COP 13 CHLD NUTR-SCH 565.36
PO19-00295 SYNCB/AMAZON School Office Supplies COP 01 LOTTERY UNREST 103.87
PO19-00296 Walmart Classroom Supplies COP 01 LOTTERY UNREST 55.35
PO19-00297 Classroom Rectangle Adjust Tables – M&O 1,095.16
MTE & Copper
School Outfitters 01 RRM
PO19-00298 The Office City School Office – Paper MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 782.93
PO19-00299 Angels Heating & Ai HVAC Repairs – MT Gym M&O 01 RRM 1,621.54
PO19-00300 Apple Inc Ipad Abilipad App SDC COP 01 SPECIAL ED 19.99
PO19-00302 STAR Autism Support SDC K-6 STAR Program Curriculum MTE 01 SPECIAL ED 1,405.83
PO19-00303 MT Cafe Lock Core & Keys for Harper MTE 37.27
PO19-00304 Tech – Adapters For Computer Mice – COP 69.73
Computer Cable Stor 01 LOTTERY UNREST
PO19-00305 MTE Gym – Door Window Coverings – M&O 45.02
PO19-00306 2019-2020 Subscript Math,ELA,SS, MTDO 25,608.00
Science MT / Cop
Freckle Education, 01 LPSBG
PO19-00307 Foothill Printing & Diplomas & Diploma Covers MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 529.69
PO19-00308 CDW Government Tech – Wireless Mice For Staff MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 37.66
PO19-00309 CDW Government Epson Projector Lamp – Rm 20 MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 67.41
PO19-00310 SYNCB/AMAZON Graduation Supplies – Award Frames MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 87.25
The preceding Purchase Orders have been issued in accordance with the District’s Purchasing Policy and
authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the preceding Purchase Orders be approved
and that payment be authorized upon delivery and acceptance of the items ordered.
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School District Generated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:05PM
Page 1 of 2
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 4 of 39
Board Report with Fund and Resource
Includes Purchase Orders dated 03/01/2019 – 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Req Fund
Order Amt
Requisition Information Fund
Vendor Name Description
PO19-00311 SYNCB/AMAZON SPED Supplies MTE 01 SPECIAL ED 212.12
PO19-00312 School Specialty CASPP Student Id Cards MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 16.60
PO19-00313 Cascade Healthcare Office Supplies – Medical Gloves MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 60.51
PO19-00314 8th Grade Graduation Pin Awards – MTE 45.17
Pres. Ed. Award
PO19-00315 Set#45300 Repl Parts 2.0 Lego Kits – MTE 10.33
Lego Education 01 LOTTERY UNREST
PO19-00316 Laminating – Id badges, holders & ltr MTDO 77.06
size pouches
PO19-00317 Bio Corporation Biology Supplies – Frogs MTE 01 LOTTERY UNREST 131.61
PO19-00318 SPED Web Base Programs – MTE 4.99
CO-Writer Universal 1 mth
Don Johnston, Inc. 01 SPECIAL ED
PO19-00319 The Office City DO Office Supplies MTDO 01 UNREST 527.33
PO19-00320 Riding Mower Fuel Tank Stem/Bushing M&O 12.26
Total 45,608.09
The preceding Purchase Orders have been issued in accordance with the District’s Purchasing Policy and
authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the preceding Purchase Orders be approved
and that payment be authorized upon delivery and acceptance of the items ordered.
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School District Generated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:05PM
Page 2 of 2
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 5 of 39
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043230 03/06/2019 Crawford, Trisha C 01-5200 Reimbursement – Mileage Equip. Educ.
Modesto 3/19 & 3/20/19
05043231 03/06/2019 Deck, Donovan D 13-5200 Reimbursement – Mileage Skillpath
Modesto 02/26/19
05043232 03/06/2019 Gosney, Shannon M 01-5200 Reimbursement – Mileage Accutrain San
Fran 03/12/19
05043233 03/06/2019 Developmental Resources A Div of AccuTrain 01-5200 Defiant Students Sem – SF 03/12/19 K Buck 149.00
Defiant Students Sem – SF 03/12/19 S
149.00 298.00
05043234 03/06/2019 SYNCB/AMAZON 01-4310 Classroom Supplies 216.69
Unpaid Sales Tax 1.85- 214.84
05043235 03/06/2019 AmeriGas 01-5515 2018-2019 Propane MT 2,207.83
2018-2019 Propane MT Gym 2,047.67 4,255.50
05043236 03/06/2019 Angels Heating & Air Condition by Angels Sheet Metal,
01-5600 2018-2019 MT HVAC Repairs Rm 26 276.62
05043237 03/06/2019 Apple Inc 01-4310 Apple 12W USB Power Adapt. Rm 2 & Extra 40.76
05043238 03/06/2019 AUS West Lockbox 01-4310 2018-2019 Transportation & MT Custodial
01-5520 2018-2019 Transportation & MT Custodial
17.61 38.93
05043239 03/06/2019 Card Service Center 01-4200 SPED Web Base Programs – 8 Months 4.99
01-4310 2018-2019 Dist Wide Health Supplies –
Hand Wipes
MTE Warranty Repair (Chromebook)
Shipping Charges
Push Blower – Honda Carb Assy. & Petcock
Two Way Radios – Copperopolis Elem Site 225.19
01-5300 2019 Annual Amazon Prime Renewal –
District Wide
01-5800 2018-2019 Data Security Services – Jungle
Unpaid Sales Tax 23.87- 716.11
05043240 03/06/2019 Calaveras County Office Of Ed. 01-5800 2018-2019 CA Calpads, 2nd Qtr 2,802.50
2018-2019 Copper & MT Digital Media
Agrmnt ED1Stop
01-5855 2018-2019 Fingerprinting Program January 140.00 5,567.27
05043241 03/06/2019 Calaveras Lumber Company, Inc. 01-4310 2018-2019 Mt Custodial, Supplies 27.22
05043242 03/06/2019 Chevron & Texaco Business Card 01-4321 2018-2019 Fuel 172.42
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 1 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School DBiosatrrdic Ptacket April 11, 2019 – Page 6 oGf 3e9nerated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043243 03/06/2019 Grainger 01-4310 2018-2019 MT Filter Maint, Supplies 20.72
05043244 03/06/2019 Hunt & Sons, Inc. 01-4322 2018-2019 Buses Motor Oil –
2018-2019 Diesel Fuel Deliveries –
2,066.34 3,327.27
05043245 03/06/2019 Mark Twain Union Elem Sch Dist 13-4310 Reimburse Cafe Fund13 Account For
Banking Supplies
05043246 03/06/2019 Mike’s Pizza 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 200.00
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 380.00 580.00
05043247 03/06/2019 Reserve Account Pitney Bowes 01-5910 2018-2019 Meter Postage District Wide 1,000.00
05043248 03/06/2019 Producers Dairy Foods, Inc. 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 251.24
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 234.98 486.22
05043249 03/06/2019 Save Mart Supermarkets 13-4700 2018-2019 MT Specialty Food Supplies 5.07
05043250 03/06/2019 Standard Insurance Company 01-9555 March 2019 1,388.29
05043251 03/06/2019 Stanislaus County Office Of Education 01-5800 2018-2019 PBIS LCAP GOAL 5 – 2yr of 3 9,000.00
05043252 03/06/2019 Stanislaus County Office Of Ed Attn: Prevention Programs 01-5200 Equip Educ Trauma & Mental Health – J
Equip Educ Trauma & Mental Health – J
Equip Educ Trauma & Mental Health – T
175.00 525.00
05043253 03/06/2019 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 01-9555 March 2019 563.47
05043254 03/06/2019 Sysco Of Central California 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 724.98
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 1,168.35
13-4750 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 282.80
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 171.09 2,347.22
05043255 03/06/2019 Karen L. Turner 01-5800 2018-2019 Copper Teacher Support
Provider – SPED
05043430 03/13/2019 Jamie McMurray 01-8675 Refund – Bus Transportation – Bus Stop
Eliminated 10/22/2018
05043431 03/13/2019 Kimberly Merril 13-8634 Refund – Cafe Monies Paid When Student
Classified Free
05043432 03/13/2019 Wells, Roberta L 01-4310 Reimbursement – Classroom Christmas
Reimbursement – Homework Club Snacks 25.47
Reimbursement – Reading Workbooks IEP
69.60 124.06
05043433 03/13/2019 Davis, William D 01-4310 Reimbursement – Supplies Lowes 35.45
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 2 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School DBiosatrrdic Ptacket April 11, 2019 – Page 7 oGf 3e9nerated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043434 03/13/2019 Davenport, Anna K 01-4310 Reimbursement – Kindness Curriculum
05043435 03/13/2019 A-Z Bus Sales, Inc 01-4340 2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
#6 & #7
05043436 03/13/2019 AmeriGas 01-5515 2018-2019 Propane MT 1,058.22
05043437 03/13/2019 Angels Food Market 01-4310 2018-2019 Meeting Supplies Mgmt
05043438 03/13/2019 Angels Heating & Air Condition by Angels Sheet Metal,
01-5600 2018-2019 Copperopolis HVAC Repairs
Rm H
05043439 03/13/2019 Calaveras Lumber Company, Inc. 01-4310 2018-2019 Maint, Mt Library Supplies 2.13
2018-2019 MT Maint, Supplies 68.14 70.27
05043440 03/13/2019 Calaveras Telephone Co. 01-5930 2018-2019 Copper Telephone Service 357.74
01-8699 2018-2019 Copper Telephone Service 54.64- 303.10
05043441 03/13/2019 Cisco Fire Sprinklers, Inc. 13-5600 2018-2019 MT Kitchen Hood Service 100.00
05043442 03/13/2019 City Of Angels 01-5530 2018-2019 DO Sewer & Water 90.95
2018-2019 MT, Sewer & Water 334.13
2018-2019 MT, Sewer & Water 90.95
2018-2019 MT,, Sewer & Water 1,312.02
01-5540 2018-2019 DO Sewer & Water 121.09
2018-2019 MT, Sewer & Water 121.09
2018-2019 MT, Sewer & Water 125.42
2018-2019 MT, Water 40.75
2018-2019 MT, Gym Water 16.00
2018-2019 MT,, Sewer & Water 285.85 2,538.25
05043443 03/13/2019 Gateway Press, Inc. 01-4310 2018-2019 Teacher & Classified Of The
Year Plaques
05043444 03/13/2019 Grainger 01-4310 2018-2019 Mt/Cop Cust, Supplies 85.06
05043445 03/13/2019 Hunt & Sons, Inc. 01-4322 2018-2019 Diesel Fuel Deliveries –
05043446 03/13/2019 McCoy Truck Tire Service 01-4350 2018-2019 Trans Bus 5 2,298.00
2018-2019 Trans Tire Disposal 40.00 2,338.00
05043447 03/13/2019 Mike’s Pizza 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 200.00
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 370.00 570.00
05043448 03/13/2019 Nasco 01-4310 Classroom Supplies 184.25
05043449 03/13/2019 Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services LLC 01-5600 2018-2019 Postage Meter Rent MT Thru
2018-2019 Postage Meter Rent Copper
Thru 3/29/19
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 3 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School DBiosatrrdic Ptacket April 11, 2019 – Page 8 oGf 3e9nerated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043449 03/13/2019 Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services LLC 01-5600 2018-2019 Postage Meter Rent DO Thru
223.93 627.94
05043450 03/13/2019 Point Quest PediatricTherapies 01-5800 2018-2019 Behavior Intervention Aide BII
Support Feb
05043451 03/13/2019 Producers Dairy Foods, Inc. 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 335.60
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 438.06 773.66
05043452 03/13/2019 Sierra Janitorial Supply 01-4310 2018-2019 Copperopolis Custodial
2018-2019 MT Custodial Supplies 542.08 1,239.34
05043453 03/13/2019 Signal Service, Inc. 01-5600 2018-2019 Alarm System Repairs Service
Call MT
05043454 03/13/2019 Speech Therapy Associates Corp 01-5100 2018-2019 Speech Therapy Services – Cop
& P School January
01-5800 2018-2019 Speech Therapy Services – Cop
& P School January
427.50 10,033.50
05043455 03/13/2019 Sysco Of Central California 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 923.69
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 1,691.92
13-4750 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 64.50
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 76.19 2,756.30
05043456 03/13/2019 Tuolumne JPA 01-5854 Feb Pre-Employment Physical – R Rogers 92.50
05043457 03/13/2019 Zoom Imaging Solutions, Inc. 01-5920 2018-2019 Shipping Charges For Printer
Supplies MT
05043627 03/20/2019 Cerroni, Sharon A 01-5210 Reimbursement Mileage – Science Camp –
Trans Luggage
05043628 03/20/2019 O’Geen, Joshua J 01-4310 Reimbursement – Staff Meeting Snacks
05043629 03/20/2019 AmeriGas 01-5515 2018-2019 Propane MT 547.73
2018-2019 Propane MT Gym 959.62 1,507.35
05043630 03/20/2019 AUS West Lockbox 01-4310 2018-2019 Transportation & MT Custodial
01-5520 2018-2019 Transportation & MT Custodial
17.61 38.93
05043631 03/20/2019 Bret Harte Union High Sch Dist 01-5100 2018-2019 Special Ed Transportation
01-5600 2018-2019 Transportation Repeater Rent
225.00 11,617.00
05043632 03/20/2019 Calaveras Auto Supply 01-4340 2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 4 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School DBiosatrrdic Ptacket April 11, 2019 – Page 9 oGf 3e9nerated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043632 03/20/2019 Calaveras Auto Supply 01-4340 2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
ACPD Impala
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
Bus 1,5, shop
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
bus 2 / shop
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
Bus 6,7 , shop
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
MT Golf Cart
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
Vans 53, 54
157.43 822.36
05043633 03/20/2019 Calaveras Lumber Company, Inc. 01-4310 2018-2019 Cop ,Grounds, Supplies 117.96
2018-2019 Copper Maint, Supplies 4.82
2018-2019 Mt ,Grounds,Supplies 24.66
2018-2019 Mt Maint Supplies Sped Bath 17.41
2018-2019 MT Maint, Supplies 13.93
2018-2019 Mt, Custodial Supplies 15.51 194.29
05043634 03/20/2019 Calaveras Power Agency 01-5510 2018-2019 Utilities – Electric District Wide 5,072.15
05043635 03/20/2019 Cal-Waste Recovery Systems 01-5535 2018-2019 Waste Disposal – Copper 1,207.66
2018-2019 Waste Disposal – DO 260.73
2018-2019 Waste Disposal – MT 2,073.76 3,542.15
05043636 03/20/2019 Foothill Printing & Graphics 01-4310 MTE Certs for Honor Roll & Perfect
05043637 03/20/2019 Grainger 01-4310 2018-2019 Copper Cust, & Maint, Supplies 98.46
2018-2019 Copper Cust, Supplies 62.68-
13-4750 2018-2019 Mt Kitchen Supplies – h/w heater
relief valve
94.38 130.16
05043638 03/20/2019 Jive Communications, Inc. 01-5970 2018-2019 District Wide Telephone
Equipment Rental
01-8699 2018-2019 District Wide Telephone
Equipment Rental
553.80- 1,833.86
05043639 03/20/2019 Law Office Of Byron C. Smith 01-5820 2018-2019 District Legal Fees February 1,371.83
05043640 03/20/2019 Mike’s Pizza 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 200.00
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 370.00 570.00
05043641 03/20/2019 ML ACSA 01-5800 2019 Every Student Succeeding 134.00
05043642 03/20/2019 Mountain Oasis Purified Water 01-5540 2018-2019 MT Rm 27 Water Dispenser /
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 5 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School BDoisatrdri cPtacket April 11, 2019 – Page 10 oGf e3n9erated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043643 03/20/2019 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. 01-4340 2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
ACFD 211
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
Bus 5
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
car 55
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
CCOE Red Van
2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
79.33 313.36
05043644 03/20/2019 Producers Dairy Foods, Inc. 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 186.68
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 356.34 543.02
05043645 03/20/2019 R.L. Righetti Enterprises Inc 01-4340 2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
Bus 3
05043646 03/20/2019 Save Mart Supermarkets 01-4310 2018-2019 Meeting Supplies Prof Collab
Day 3/8/19
05043647 03/20/2019 Sonora Airco Gas & Gear 01-4340 2018-2019 Trans Cylinder Rental &
05043648 03/20/2019 Sysco Of Central California 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 1,093.10
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 1,040.50
13-4750 2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 112.54 2,246.14
05043649 03/20/2019 The Office City 01-4310 District Office Supplies – Calculator 66.91
Office Supplies 770.86 837.77
05043650 03/20/2019 Tuolumne JPA 01-9552 2018-2019 Workers’ Compensation
Premiums #10
05043651 03/20/2019 Zoom Imaging Solutions, Inc. 01-5600 2018-2019 Qrtly Copier/Printer Overages
MT / COP thru 2/27
01-5920 2018-2019 Shipping Charges For Printer
Supplies Copper
2018-2019 Shipping Charges For Printer
Supplies MT
10.99 136.79
05043854 03/27/2019 Hibdon, Alicia M 01-5200 Reimbursement Meals PECS Sacramento
Reimbursement Mileage PECS
Sacramento 3/25-3/26
95.12 141.12
05043855 03/27/2019 SYNCB/AMAZON 01-4310 6 Foot Round Rug – Donations Fund 155.89
Classroom Construction Paper Holder 151.18
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 6 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School BDoisatrdri cPtacket April 11, 2019 – Page 11 oGf e3n9erated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043855 03/27/2019 SYNCB/AMAZON 01-4310 Plumb Supplies – Sloan Repl Parts W/C &
Unpaid Sales Tax 39.44- 999.33
05043856 03/27/2019 AmeriGas 01-5515 2018-2019 Propane MT 1,394.91
2018-2019 Propane MT Gym 559.94 1,954.85
05043857 03/27/2019 Angels Heating & Air Condition by Angels Sheet Metal,
01-5600 2018-2019 MT Gym HVAC Repairs 135.00
2018-2019 MT Rm 26 – r/r condenser fan
569.69 704.69
05043858 03/27/2019 AUS West Lockbox 01-4310 2018-2019 Transportation & MT Custodial
01-5520 2018-2019 Transportation & MT Custodial
20.61 38.93
05043859 03/27/2019 AT&T 01-5930 2018-2019 Telephones CO .24
2018-2019 Telephones DO 22.43
2018-2019 Telephones MT 113.81
01-5955 2018-2019 DO DS3 1,009.86
2018-2019 MT DS3 1,009.86
01-8699 2018-2019 DO DS3 927.73-
2018-2019 MT DS3 927.73-
2018-2019 Telephones DO 2.52-
2018-2019 Telephones MT 12.32- 285.90
05043860 03/27/2019 Calaveras Lumber Company, Inc. 01-4310 2018-2019 DO Maint, Supplies 18.21
2018-2019 Maint, Custodial,Grounds,
Trans Supplies
10.71 28.92
05043861 03/27/2019 California’s Valued Trust 01-3402 April 2019 3,171.06
01-3701 April 2019 7,226.48
01-3702 April 2019 151.81
01-9553 April 2019 70,172.76 80,722.11
05043862 03/27/2019 Commercial Appliance Service 13-5600 Copper Kitchen Appliance Service &
05043863 03/27/2019 Fred Jones Tools For Teaching 01-5200 Tools For Teaching Santa Cruz
05043864 03/27/2019 Grainger 01-4310 2018-2019 MT Cust, Supplies 34.18
05043865 03/27/2019 Hunt & Sons, Inc. 01-4322 2018-2019 Diesel Fuel Deliveries –
05043866 03/27/2019 Mike’s Pizza 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 200.00
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 370.00 570.00
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 7 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School BDoisatrdri cPtacket April 11, 2019 – Page 12 oGf e3n9erated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05043867 03/27/2019 PresenceLearning, Inc. 01-5800 2018-2019 SLP Services MTE & CFLC
05043868 03/27/2019 Producers Dairy Foods, Inc. 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 271.23
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 457.90 729.13
05043869 03/27/2019 R.L. Righetti Enterprises Inc 01-4340 2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
Bus 7
05043870 03/27/2019 Shell 01-4321 2018-2019 Spec Ed Transportation – Fuel 386.89
05043871 03/27/2019 Sierra Janitorial Supply 01-4310 2018-2019 Copperopolis Custodial
2018-2019 MT Custodial Supplies 758.68 834.83
05043872 03/27/2019 Signal Service, Inc. 01-5800 2018-2019 Security Alarm & Fire Monitor
D-Wide 4/1-6/30/19
05043873 03/27/2019 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 01-9555 April 2019 559.00
05043874 03/27/2019 Sysco Of Central California 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 855.32
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 999.79
13-4750 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 154.39
2018-2019 MT Supplies 52.98
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 103.60 2,166.08
05043875 03/27/2019 US Bank Equipment Finance 01-5600 Contract: 500-0545852-000
01-7438 Contract: 500-0545852-000
01-7439 Contract: 500-0545852-000
2,455.22 4,146.03
05043876 03/27/2019 Zoom Imaging Solutions, Inc. 01-5920 2018-2019 Shipping Charges For Printer
Supplies MT
05044044 04/03/2019 Aardal, Carol L 01-4310 Reimbursement – Homework Club Snacks 45.56
05044045 04/03/2019 Andico, Rolinda A 01-4310 Reimbursement – Recess Equipment 178.66
05044046 04/03/2019 Schulte, Elysa R 01-4310 Reimbursement – Anker Power Core
(student RH) SDC Fund
05044047 04/03/2019 Costa-Moran, Bernadette M 13-5200 Reimbursement – Mileage Sysco Food
Show, Modesto CA
05044048 04/03/2019 O’Geen, Joshua J 01-4310 Reimbursement – Staff Mtg. Snacks 21.08
05044049 04/03/2019 American Eagle Enterprises 01-5600 2019 Annual Gym Bleacher Service 1,375.00
05044050 04/03/2019 ARF Fire Extinguisher Co 01-5800 2018-2019 Annual Fire Ext Service
2018-2019 Annual Fire Ext Service Mark
1,060.46 1,798.08
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 8 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School BDoisatrdri cPtacket April 11, 2019 – Page 13 oGf e3n9erated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05044051 04/03/2019 Card Service Center 01-4200 SPED Web Base Programs – 8 Months Co
01-4310 Classroom Supplies 55.35
01-5200 CATE 2019 SF Sonya Garrison Lodging
01-5600 Ripon Tow -Trans. Car Flat Tire Service,
Ripon Tow Refund – Trans Car Flat Service,
01-5800 2018-2019 Data Security Services – Jungle
13-4750 Copper Cafe Supplies 565.36
13-5200 The Supervisor’s Role – D Deck Modesto
Seminar 02/26/19
199.00 1,436.38
05044052 04/03/2019 Calaveras County Office Of Ed. 01-5855 2018-2019 Fingerprinting Program
05044053 04/03/2019 Calaveras Lumber Company, Inc. 01-4310 2018-2019 Trans Supplies 33.57
2018-2019 MT Maint, &,Grounds, Supplies 18.21
2018-2019 MT Maint, Supplies 40.14
2018-2019 Trans Supplies 24.47 116.39
05044054 04/03/2019 CDW Government 01-4310 Hdphones, Mice -Proj. & W Mnt Rm P, W
Mnt Rm K
05044055 04/03/2019 Chevron & Texaco Business Card 01-4320 2018-2019 Fuel 19.44
01-4321 2018-2019 Fuel 237.50 256.94
05044056 04/03/2019 Cisco Fire Sprinklers, Inc. 13-5600 2018-2019 Copperopolis Kitchen Hood
05044057 04/03/2019 City Of Angels 01-5530 2018-2019 DO Sewer & Water 90.95
2018-2019 MT Sewer & Water 1,737.10
01-5540 2018-2019 DO Sewer & Water 121.09
2018-2019 MT Water 16.00
2018-2019 MT Sewer & Water 519.90
2018-2019 MT Water 40.75 2,525.79
05044058 04/03/2019 Lorena Darby 13-3702 2018-2019 Qrtly Medical Payments – Jan,
Feb, Mar 2019
05044059 04/03/2019 Document Tracking Services 01-5800 2019-2020 Document Tracking Services 795.00
05044060 04/03/2019 Foothill Sierra Pest Control, Inc. 01-5525 2018-2019 Pest Control Service DO 87.00
05044061 04/03/2019 Grainger 01-4310 2018-2019 Copper Maint, Supplies 69.75
05044062 04/03/2019 Hunt & Sons, Inc. 01-4322 2018-2019 Diesel Fuel Deliveries –
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 9 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School BDoisatrdri cPtacket April 11, 2019 – Page 14 oGf e3n9erated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
ReqPay12c Board Report
Checks Dated 03/01/2019 through 04/05/2019 Board Meeting Date April 11, 2019
Pay to the Order of Amount
Fund-Object Comment Amount
05044063 04/03/2019 Leslee Jack 01-3702 2018-2019 Qrtly Medical Payments – Jan,
Feb, Mar 2019
05044064 04/03/2019 Mike’s Pizza 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 200.00
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 370.00 570.00
05044065 04/03/2019 O’Reilly Automotive, Inc. 01-4340 2018-2019 Transportation Parts / Supplies
District Mower
05044066 04/03/2019 Producers Dairy Foods, Inc. 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 339.32
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 373.36 712.68
05044067 04/03/2019 Timothy S Randall 01-3402 2018-2019 Board Member Medical April 771.67
05044068 04/03/2019 Sierra Janitorial Supply 01-4310 2018-2019 MT Custodial Supplies 66.39
05044069 04/03/2019 Cheryl Silva 01-3702 2018-2019 Qrtly Medical Payments – Jan,
Feb, Mar 2019
05044070 04/03/2019 Standard Insurance Company 01-9555 April 2019 1,410.87
05044071 04/03/2019 Sysco Of Central California 13-4700 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 843.32
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 1,139.92
13-4750 2018-2019 Copperopolis Food Supplies 64.50
2018-2019 MT Food Supplies 103.60 2,151.34
05044072 04/03/2019 The Office City 01-4310 School Office – Paper 782.93
05044073 04/03/2019 Tuolumne JPA 01-4400 2018-2019 – AED’s – 3 Philips AED’s 2,589.00
05044074 04/03/2019 Zoom Imaging Solutions, Inc. 01-5920 2018-2019 Shipping Charges For Printer
Supplies Cop
2018-2019 Shipping Charges For Printer
Supplies MT
38.16 54.34
Total Number of Checks 133 244,977.76
Includes checks for only Bank Account COUNTY
Fund Summary
Fund Description Check Count Expensed Amount
01 GENERAL FUND 109 222,551.67
13 CAFETERIA FUND 26 22,491.25
Net (Check Amount)
Less Unpaid Sales Tax Liability
Total Number of Checks 133 245,042.92
The preceding Checks have been issued in accordance with the District’s Policy and authorization of the Board of Trustees. It is recommended that the
preceding Checks be approved. (Limited to Checks issued from the COUNTY bank account.) Page 10 of 10
030 – Mark Twain Union Elementary School BDoisatrdri cPtacket April 11, 2019 – Page 15 oGf e3n9erated for Kathy Six (KSIX), Apr 5 2019 3:08PM
Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
March 7, 2019
Location: Copperopolis Elementary School @ 217 School St., Copperopolis, CA 95228
Members Present: Kendall Morlan, Timothy Randall, Maggie Rollings, Jenny Eltringham, and Diane Bateman
Staff Present: Julia Tidball, Roy Blair, Josh O’Geen, and Kathy Six
Others Present:
1. The opening of Closed Session Meeting by Board President
1.1 Establishment of Quorum
A quorum was established with all five (5) Board Members present.
2. Public Comment: None
3. Closed Session Items
The Board recessed to Closed Session.
3.1 Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Julia Tidball
Employee Organization: Angels Camp Educators ACE/NEA (G.C. 54957.6)
3.2 Conference with Labor Negotiator: Name of Agency Negotiator: Julia Tidball
Employee Organization: California School Employee Association Chapter 815 (G.C. 54957.6)
3.3 Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal
3.4 Personnel Assignment Order
4. Return to Open Session Meeting by Board President 6:30 PM
4.1 Pledge of Allegiance
4.2 Roll Call:
4.3 Report of Action Taken in Closed Session
Board President Diane Bateman reported the following:
Item 3.1 – Conference with Labor Negotiator ACE/CTA/NEA No action taken
Item 3.2 – Conference with Labor Negotiator CSEA Chapter #815 No action taken
Item 3.3 – Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal No action taken
Item 3.4 – Personnel Assignment Order Action taken listed below
Employee 1 Classified Accepted Released from 1.0 hour Office Clerk position as well as the 4.6667
Computer Technician position at Copperopolis Elementary
Employee 1 Classified Accepted The same employee was hired to work as a 5.5 hour Special Education
Paraeducator at Copperopolis Elementary
Employee 2 Certificated Accepted Resigned position as the Math Teacher at Mark Twain Elementary
effective June 7, 2019
Employee 3 Certificated Accepted Resigned position as an Elementary School Teacher at Mark Twain
effective June 7, 2019
Motioned by: T. Randall Seconded by: M. Rollings
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
5. Public Comment: None
6. Information & Discussion Items
6.1 Student Share – Copperopolis Elementary students Isabella Gardner (Goat), Aniela Grycel (Starfish) and Jessica
Geisness (Redwood Sorrel) shared their experiences at Science Camp. The girls described the daily schedule at camp
that included many hikes, recreation time, cabin time, teacher time and evening campfires. The District sent 86
students to camp which was one of the largest groups in camp history. The girls spoke about the strong bonds made
with the counselors and getting to know their cabin mates from Copperopolis and Mark Twain on a more personal
level. Highlights of the week included a day at the beach, solo and night hikes, kissing a banana slug and Thursday
night skits.
6.2 Student Representatives: Mark Twain Student Representative not present.
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 16 of 39
6.3 Board Members:
Kendall Morlan commended both Principals who attended “Every Child Succeeding” luncheon and the students they
honored from their school site. Mrs. Morlan attended the “Active Shooter Training” at Copperopolis which was very
informative and helped the staff take a fresh look at their surroundings and what they would do in any given situation.
Timothy Randall is excited for Bret Harte to gain Brian Barnett, who is a former student, as a math teacher but knows
he will be missed at Mark Twain Elementary. The students Mr. Barnett has sent to Bret Harte have come wellprepared.
Jenny Eltringham has enjoyed attending many volleyball games and looks forward to the end of rainy days.
Maggie Rollings apologized for missing the last two Board meetings and shared that her daughter Pearl will be
getting her State FFA Degree.
6.4 Principals:
Principal at Mark Twain Elementary Wendy DeSimone wished Mr. Barnett well as he will be leaving to teach at
Bret Harte High School next year. Mrs. DeSimone spoke tenderly about Mrs. Baymiller who we lost unexpectedly.
She thanked her staff for the support they gave each other and students during this time. A student asked Mrs.
DeSimone if she thought Mrs. Baymiller was in heaven teaching. The boys’ basketball season ended with both 7th
and 8th-grade teams taking 3rd place in the AMA Tournament. Mrs. DeSimone recognized Kathryn Deck, a Special
Education Paraeducator who oversees students with speech IEP’s and her eye for detail in making sure the students
receive the correct about of service. Mrs. DeSimone shared that during a staff meeting Cathy Mueller passed the
Apple to Heather Barnett. Zen Barclay was honored at the “Every Student Succeeds” luncheon. The PBIS program
is moving forward with the addition of a ticket tumbler. This will be used for the end of year drawing. There has
been a shift in instructions for English learner students with teachers attending training put on by the Calaveras
County Office of Education.
Principal at Copperopolis Elementary Josh O’Geen thanked the Copperopolis Fire Department for showing the staff
how to block a door using a fire hose. The fire department will provide each classroom with a length of hose to use
as an added level of security. Mr. O’Geen thanked the Rotary Club for their donation of dictionaries to all 3rd-grade
students. He also thanked Mr. Schneider and Mrs. Smith for attending science camp with their students and his entire
staff for piloting “Freckles” intervention program. Mr. O’Geen has been watching the 5th and 6th-grade girls’
volleyball games and is looking forward to the Rocket launch. Murphys Music Company is doing an assembly and
Mr. O’Geen is looking into a music program with 3-6 hours a week of music lessons. Mrs. Handgis is collecting
Change for a Change for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Mr. O’Geen honored 1st-grade student, Dane Capizzi at “Every
Student Succeeds” breakfast. Copperopolis Elementary will be sending 10 students to the County Science Fair on
March 9. Mr. O’Geen is using his staff meetings as staff development for additional training. Copperopolis History
walks start next week and Mr. O’Geen hopes to join the students on one of these walks.
6.5 Certificated Representative: None
6.6 Classified Representative: None
6.7 Operations Manager: None
6.8 Director of Business Services: Roy Blair deferred his comments.
6.9 Superintendent
Julia Tidball informed the Board that all findings have been resolved in the Federal Program Monitoring audit and
she thanked Kathy Six and Wendy DeSimone for their help. The District received the $166,000 CSI Grant that can
be spent on student achievement (not salaries). The plan is to use a comprehensive coordinated intervention program
that we can measure the results. One of the intervention programs we are looking at is Freckles which will be
discussed tomorrow at the PCD day. The District will be using the Tableau software to pull data from the student
data system and use that data in planning and decision-making process. The District has also applied for the Low
Performing Students Grant for $88,000 which will also be used for intervention if we receive it. Our District has a
declining enrollment and with an ADA driven district, this means declining funds. All staff involved have been
personally spoken are affected by the resolutions the Board will be taking action on tonight.
6.10 Correspondence – California School Boards Association – Delegate Assembly Election Ballot
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 17 of 39
Julia shared with the Board the information from CSBA on the Delegate Assembly Election which the Board will
take official action and cast a vote.
7. Consent Agenda Items
All matters listed under Consent Agenda Items are routine and all will be enacted by one motion and voice vote.
7.1 Approval of Purchase Orders
7.2 Approval of Warrants
7.3 Approval of Minutes for February 7, 2019
7.4 Approval of Interdistrict Attendance Agreements
7.5 Approval to Discard/Sell/Surplus – Mark Twain Elementary
Motioned by: J. Eltringham Seconded by: K. Morlan
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8. Review and Action Items
8.1 Cast a vote for Sherri Reusche (Calaveras USD) for the California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly
Sub-Region 8-B
Motioned by: J. Eltringham Seconded by: T. Randall
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.2 Approval of 2018-19 Consolidated Application Part II Submission
This application is submitted twice per year to show how the District is allocating federal funding as explained by Roy Blair,
Director of Business Services. Mr. Blair informed the Board that he may be amending this application due to the recent
notification the Title IV monies may be used for Title I.
Motioned by: T. Randall Seconded by: M. Rollings
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.3 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-012 Proclaiming April 2019 as the Child Abuse Prevention Month
Board member, Maggie Rollings who is also the Vice Chair of the Prevent Child Abuse Council of Calaveras
County invites the District to pass a resolution in recognition of April 2019 as Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Motioned by: M. Rollings Seconded by: J. Eltringham
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.4 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-013 In The Matter Of Teacher Assignment Authorization Pursuant To Education
Code Section 44256(B) – Jeffrey Airola
Julia Tidball informed the Board that this resolution is necessary due to Mr. Airola holding a Multiple Subject
credential but teaches a single subject, History. Mr. Airola is able to teach a single subject as he has demonstrated
by more the 12 semester hours of coursework.
Motioned by: M. Rollings Seconded by: T. Randall
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.5 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-014 In the Matter of the Release of Two (2) Temporary Certificated Employees
Julia Tidball thanked Olivia Birdwell and Heather Oliver for their excellent service to the students of our District.
With a temporary position, there is a start and end date with no service credits earned towards tenure and the
temporary employees will be released at the end of the 2018-19 school year.
Motioned by: M. Rollings Seconded by: K. Morlan
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.6 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-015 In the Matter of the Elimination of 2 FTE Certificated Positions and 1 FTE
Title I Position Pursuant to Education Code Sections 44949 and 44955
Due to the District’s declining enrollment, it is necessary to eliminate 2 teaching positions, one at each site. The
current part time Reading Support teacher and 2 fulltime Title I teachers were funded this year with the help of
carryover funds. With declining enrollment comes a decline in entitlements which means the District will need to
eliminate 1 FTE support positions. Mrs. Tidball informed the Board that this does not mean a layoff as the staff on
leave currently filled by temporary employees will not be returning.
Motioned by: M. Rollings Seconded by: T. Randall
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.7 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-016 Teacher of the Year – Gigi Young
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 18 of 39
Mrs. Young will be honored at an upcoming Rotary luncheon. Mrs. Tidball spoke about Mrs. Young and how she
encourages her student to go beyond and keep pushing. Mr. O’Geen, Principal is honored to recognize Mrs. Young
noted her close bonds with her student and how kind and thankful she is.
Motioned by: M. Rollings Seconded by: K. Morlan
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.8 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-017 Classified Staff of the Year – Jamie Hutchinson
Julia Tidball spoke highly about Jamie Hutchinson who is a dedicated employee and who has taken on the role of
Athletic Director and has run the snack bar at all home basketball games. Mrs. DeSimone is thankful to have Jamie
in the office. Mrs. Hutchinson is often recognized by students and parents who complete a PBIS appreciation card.
Motioned by: J. Eltringham Seconded by: T. Randall
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.9 Adoption of Resolution 2018-19-018 Creation of (1) 5.5 Hour Special Education Paraeducator
Mrs. Tidball indicated the need for an additional aide due to a newly enrolled student with special needs at
Copperopolis Elementary.
Motioned by: T. Randall Seconded by: M. Rollings
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.10 Adoption of Revised School Calendar for 2019-2020
The In-Service Day was changed from Monday, October 28 to Friday, November 1, 2019 to align with the change
made by Bret Harte High School and Vallecito Union School District. With all three corridor 4 districts scheduled
to have an in-service day on November 1st will allow the districts to pull their funds for training. Mrs. Tidball will
be coordinating with Scott Nanik at the Calaveras County Office of Education to work out the details.
Motioned by: M. Rollings Seconded by: K. Morlan
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.11 Approval of the Comprehensive School Safety Plan – Mark Twain Elementary
Wendy DeSimone, Principal at Mark Twain Elementary and Josh O’Geen, Principal at Copperopolis Elementary
collaborated on their plans to align both sites with new procedures for fire drills and lockdown procedures and
presented their plans together. One of the changes made during a fire, or fire drill the students will no longer file
outside and congregate in one area. The new procedure is to shelter in place. An administrator will investigate and
make to call as to whether this is a real or a false alarm. When there is a threat the announcements will be direct as
to what the threat is and where it is happening with no complex codes to remember. There are 2 types of threats,
an indirect threat would be to “Shelter in place”. This means to continue teaching but no one outside without an
escort. The other is a direct threat to students and staff and that would call for a “Lockdown” with the announcement
of what it is and where it is located. Changes in the plan are to get away from hiding and to now do whatever you
can to get away from the threat or fight and use what you can to defend yourself and your students.
Further discussions by the Board ensued.
Mrs. DeSimone requested the Board approve this draft of Comprehensive School Safety Plan for Mark Twain as
she is still fine-tuning it with her staff and the local police and fire departments. She will bring it back to the Board
in April.
Motioned by: T. Randall Seconded by: J. Eltringham
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.12 Approval of the Comprehensive School Safety Plan – Copperopolis Elementary
Mr. O’Geen asked the Board to approve is Comprehensive School Safety Plan for Copperopolis Elementary.
Motioned by: M. Rollings Seconded by: T. Randall
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
8.13 Approval of the 2018-2019 Second Interim Report and the 2018-2019 Second Interim Budget Revisions
Roy Blair reviewed the Second Interim Report with the Board and stated the District will meet the 4% reserve
requirement for each of the three years presented. Mr. Blair anticipated ending the 2018-19 year with a fund balance
of $1,563,041 and an unassigned fund balance of $1,145,533 (13.13%) with a reserve for economic uncertainties
for %348,921 (4%). Projections reflect that by the end of 2020-21 the fund balance will be $869,739 and an
unassigned fund balance of $432,882 (5.19%) with a reserve for economic uncertainties of $333,626 (4%). These
projections show that the District has projected to deficit spend in each of the three years presented and will need
to excess reserves if ADA decreases or some revenues are eliminated.
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 19 of 39
Motioned by: T. Randall Seconded by: J. Eltringham
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
First Readings/Adoption Board Policies, Administrative Regulations, Exhibits and Board Bylaws
8.14 Revised BP/AR 6152.1 – Placement in Mathematics Courses
Motioned by: T. Randall Seconded by: K. Morlan
Motioned Carried: 5-Ayes (Morlan, Randall, Rollings, Eltringham, and Bateman,)/0-Noes /0-Absent /0-Abstained
9. Next Regularly Scheduled Board Meeting
9.1 April 11, 2019, in the District Board Room at 981 Tuolumne Ave., Angels Camp, CA 95222
10. Adjourn
Board President, Diane Bateman adjourned the meeting at 8:28 PM
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 20 of 39
TO: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
FROM: Julia Tidball, Superintendent
DATE: April 11, 2019
RE: Interdistrict Attendance Agreement
I. Support Information
2018-2019 Interdistrict New Agreements
Name To From Grd Reason Site Admin
Caldwell, N MTUESD/MTE Vallecito 6 Cont. enrollment Approved
(resent move to Copperopolis)
2019-2020 Interdistrict Renewed & New Agreements
Name To From Grd Reason Site Admin
Sullivan, K MTUESD/MTE Calaveras 4 continued enrollment Approved
Marciel, J MTUESD/MTE Calaveras 8 AB – cont. enrollment Approved
Franks, J MTUESD/MTE Calaveras 5 Cont. enrollment Approved
Medina, T MTUESD/MTE Calaveras 1 AB – cont. enrollment Approved
Caldwell, N MTUESD/MTE Vallecito 7 Cont. enrollment Approved
Sepulveda, B Curtis Creek MTUESD/MTE 8 AB – cont. enrollment Approved
Gumm, Logan Twain Harte MTUESD/MTE 7 AB – cont. enrollment Approved
Lefebvre, A Oakdale USD MTUESD/COP K AB – cont. enrollment Approved
Peakes, S Soulsbyville MTUESD/COP 1 AB – cont. enrollment Approved
2019-2020 Intra District Agreements
Name To From Grd Reason Site Admin
Roberts, D Mark Twain Copperopolis 6 AB – cont. enrollment Approved
Eltringham, A Mark Twain Copperopolis 2 Cont. enrollment Approved
Eltringham, K Mark Twain Copperopolis 2 Cont. enrollment Approved
Roberson Mora, A Mark Twain Copperopolis 6 Cont. enrollment Approved
Roberson Mora, S Mark Twain Copperopolis 3 Cont. enrollment Approved
Niapas, B Mark Twain Copperopolis 4 Cont. enrollment Approved
Niapas, Q Mark Twain Copperopolis TK Cont. enrollment Approved
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Mark Twain Board of Education approves the
Interdistrict and Intradistrict Agreements in support of the site administrators.
Recommend Approval: JAT
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 21 of 39
TO: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
FROM: Pam Heise, Information Technology Technician
DATE: April 11, 2019
RE: Board approval to Sell / Surplus / Discard – Mark Twain Elementary
I. Support Information
The following list was compiled by the technology staff at Mark Twain School and identifies items that
are either inoperative or outdated. We are asking the Board to declare these items surplus in order to
sell or discard.
The Department of Education requires Board approval.
# Equipment Model # Serial #
12244 ChromeBk EduGear RK11K216 5625000138 Discard
No # Monitor Dell No S/N Discard
11802 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00674 Surplus
11820 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00729 Surplus
11805 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00728 Surplus
11817 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00760 Surplus
11628 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 HY3A91ND307053 Surplus
12113 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 HY3A91BF224139 Surplus
11824 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00755 Surplus
11809 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00765 Surplus
11800 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00745 Surplus
11823 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00769 Surplus
11822 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00726 Surplus
11812 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00613 Surplus
12127 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 HY3A91GF300161 Surplus
11814 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00683 Surplus
11806 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00706 Surplus
11796 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00792 Surplus
11821 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00788 Surplus
11803 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00719 Surplus
11816 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00554 Surplus
11807 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00617 Surplus
11808 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00781 Surplus
11815 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00664 Surplus
11801 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00700 Surplus
11819 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00604 Surplus
11804 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00707 Surplus
11783 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00773 Surplus
11782 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00770 Surplus
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 22 of 39
11772 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00717 Surplus
11793 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00698 Surplus
11784 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00658 Surplus
11828 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00681 Surplus
11792 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00621 Surplus
11785 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00670 Surplus
11795 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00764 Surplus
11952 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00746 Surplus
11779 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00646 Surplus
11778 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00634 Surplus
11771 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00709 Surplus
11774 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00762 Surplus
11794 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00669 Surplus
11787 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00673 Surplus
11791 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00657 Surplus
11781 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00793 Surplus
11780 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00689 Surplus
11773 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00712 Surplus
11790 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00795 Surplus
11789 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00642 Surplus
11775 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00668 Surplus
11776 ChromeBk Samsung XE303C12 0UG99FCDB00766 Surplus
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Mark Twain Board of Education approves the
surplus of the items listed above.
Recommend Approval: JAT
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 23 of 39
TO: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
FROM: 7th and 8th grade staff / Julia Tidball, Superintendent
DATE: April 11, 2019
RE: PBIS Reward Fieldtrip to Sunsplash Waterslides
I. Support Information
The 7th and 8th grade teachers are requesting permission to take the 7th and 8th grade
students that has remained on their first PBIS log to Sunsplash Waterslides in Roseville,
Ca. on Thursday, May 29th. The approximate number is 130 students. We have all
teachers attending the trip with at least one classified employee. The facility provides
lifeguards at all stations in the park. The students will be instructed to have buddies and
both check in and check out times. We will be using district transportation to and from
the trip. The importance of rewarding students for positive behavior choices is
imperative in following a PBIS program. We thank you for your attention and time.
The 7th and 8th Grade Staff
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Mark Twain Board of Education
approve the PBIS Reward Fieldtrip to Sunsplash in support of the site administrators.
Recommend Approval _____________
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 24 of 39
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 25 of 39
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 26 of 39
Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
Williams Quarterly Uniform Complaint Report Summary
For submission to school district governing board and county office of education
District Name: Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
Quarter Covered by this report: 2018-2019 – Q3 – January 2019 – March 2019
Number of
complaints received
Number of
complaints resolved
Number of
complaints unresolved
Instructional Materials 0 0 0
Facilities 0 0 0
Teacher Vacancy or
0 0 0
Totals 0 0 0
Presented to the Board April 11, 2019
Submitted By: Julia Tidball
Title: Superintendent – MTUESD
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 27 of 39
TO: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
FROM: Josh O’Geen, Principal, Copperopolis
DATE: April 11, 2019
RE: Board approval to Sell / Surplus / Discard – Copperopolis Elementary
I. Support Information
The following list was compiled by the technology staff at Mark Twain School and identifies items that
are either inoperative or outdated. We are asking the Board to declare these items surplus in order to
sell or discard.
The Department of Education requires Board approval.
# Equipment Model # Serial #
11030 Promethiam Projector 61819494 Surplus
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Mark Twain Board of Education approves the
surplus of the items listed above.
Recommend Approval: JAT
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 28 of 39
To: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
From: Julia Tidball, Superintendent and Roy Blair, Director of Business Services
Date: April 11, 2019
RE: Consider Approval of Waiver for School Construction Impact Fees for Tractor
I. Support Information
The firm managing the construction of Tractor Supply has contacted the District to
request a waiver of the School Construction Impact Fees. The District has not in the
past waive these fees.
City of Angels Permit Number: BP 18-0273
Address: 389 and 407 N. Main St.
Square Footage: 18,800
Impact Fees: $6392.00
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Director of Business Services
that the Mark Twain Board of Education not approve the waiver of School
Construction Impact Fees for Tractor Supply.
Recommend Not Approve: JAT and RB
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 29 of 39
State of California
Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Certification Division
1900 Capitol Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95811-4213
Original Declaration of Need for year: _____________
Revised Declaration of Need for year: _____________
Name of District: District CDS Code:
Name of County: County CDS Code:
By submitting this annual declaration, the district is certifying the following:
 A diligent search, as defined below, to recruit a fully prepared teacher for the assignment(s) was made
 If a suitable fully prepared teacher is not available to the school district, the district will make a reasonable effort
to recruit based on the priority stated below
The governing board of the school district specified above adopted a declaration at a regularly scheduled public meeting
held on ____/____/____ certifying that there is an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the district’s
specified employment criteria for the position(s) listed on the attached form. The attached form was part of the agenda,
and the declaration did NOT appear as part of a consent calendar.
 Enclose a copy of the board agenda item
With my signature below, I verify that the item was acted upon favorably by the board. The declaration shall remain in
force until June 30, _________.
Submitted by (Superintendent, Board Secretary, or Designee):
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
Name Signature Title
__________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________
Fax Number Telephone Number Date
Mailing Address
EMail Address
Name of County ______________________________________________________ County CDS Code__________________
Name of State Agency______________________________________________________________________________________
Name of NPS/NPA ___________________________________________________ County of Location _________________
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 30 of 39
The Superintendent of the County Office of Education or the Director of the State Agency or the Director of the NPS/NPA
specified above adopted a declaration on ____/____/____, at least 72 hours following his or her public announcement that
such a declaration would be made, certifying that there is an insufficient number of certificated persons who meet the
county’s, agency’s or school’s specified employment criteria for the position(s) listed on the attached form.
The declaration shall remain in force until June 30, _________.
 Enclose a copy of the public announcement
Submitted by Superintendent, Director, or Designee:
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
Name Signature Title
__________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________
Fax Number Telephone Number Date
Mailing Address
EMail Address
 This declaration must be on file with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing before any emergency permits will be
issued for service with the employing agency
Based on the previous year’s actual needs and projections of enrollment, please indicate the number of emergency permits
the employing agency estimates it will need in each of the identified areas during the valid period of this Declaration of
Need for Fully Qualified Educators. This declaration shall be valid only for the type(s) and subjects(s) identified below.
This declaration must be revised by the employing agency when the total number of emergency permits applied for exceeds
the estimate by ten percent. Board approval is required for a revision.
Type of Emergency Permit Estimated Number Needed
CLAD/English Learner Authorization (applicant already
holds teaching credential)
Bilingual Authorization (applicant already holds teaching
List target language(s) for bilingual authorization:
Resource Specialist _________________________
Teacher Librarian Services __________________________
Limited Assignment Permits may only be issued to applicants holding a valid California teaching credential based on a
baccalaureate degree and a professional preparation program including student teaching.
Based on the previous year’s actual needs and projections of enrollment, please indicate the number of Limited
Assignment Permits the employing agency estimates it will need in the following areas:
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 31 of 39
Multiple Subject
Single Subject
Special Education
The employing agency declares that it has implemented in policy and practices a process for conducting a diligent search
that includes, but is not limited to, distributing job announcements, contacting college and university placement centers,
advertising in local newspapers, exploring incentives included in the Teaching as a Priority Block Grant (refer to for details), participating in state and regional recruitment centers and participating in job fairs in
If a suitable fully prepared teacher is not available to the school district, the district made reasonable efforts to recruit an
individual for the assignment, in the following order:
 A candidate who qualifies and agrees to participate in an approved internship program in the region of the school
 An individual who is scheduled to complete initial preparation requirements within six months
Has your agency established a District Intern program? Yes No
If no, explain. ___________________________________________________________________________
Does your agency participate in a Commission-approved
college or university internship program?
Yes No
If yes, how many interns do you expect to have this year?_________________________________________
If yes, list each college or university with which you participate in an internship program.
If no, explain why you do not participate in an internship program.
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 32 of 39
To: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
From: Julia Tidball, Superintendent and Roy Blair, Director of Business Services
Date: April 11, 2019
RE: Consider Approval of Creation of a 6.0 hour Car/Van Driver Position
I. Support Information
There is an immediate need to create a 6.0 hour Car/Van Driver position in able to
transport a student to a non-public school per the student’s IEP.
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Director of Business Services
that the Mark Twain Board of Education approve the creation of a 6.0 hour Car/Van
Driver Position
Recommend Approval _____________
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 33 of 39
In the Matter of the Creation of a Resolution No. 2018-19-019
6.0 Hour Car/Van Driver Position
1. WHEREAS, Education Code section 45109 provides that a governing board of a school district “…shall fix and
prescribe the duties to be performed by all persons in the classified service and other positions not requiring
certification qualifications of the school district….”
2. WHEREAS, Education Code section 45103 provides that the governing board of a school district shall employ
persons for positions not requiring certification qualifications.
3. WHEREAS, Education Code section 45103 provides that the governing board of any school district shall employ
persons for positions not requiring certification qualifications and shall classify such employees and positions.
Unless statutorily exempted by sections 45103 all such positions shall be known as the classified service.
4. WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the Board create the following Car/Driver position for Mark Twain
Union Elementary School District effective August 22, 2012:
A. 6.0 hour Car/ Van Driver time for Mark Twain Union Elementary School District. The Administration
is to establish the exact starting times.
5. WHEREAS, if the Governing Board creates the above referenced classified Car/Driver position, the Administration
will fill this position in accordance with its Agreement with the Mark Twain Union Elementary School District
CSEA Chapter #815.
6. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Governing Board makes the following findings of fact and
7. Good cause exists to create immediately, the new 6.0 hour Car/Van Driver time for the Mark Twain Union
Elementary School District. The Administration is to establish the exact starting times.
8. The District Superintendent is hereby authorized to carry on any other activity necessary to implement the terms of
this Resolution.
The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted upon motion by Board Member ______________________,
seconded by Board Member ________________________, at a meeting of this Board held on April 11, 2019, by the
following vote:
Date:_______________ ___________________________
Clerk of the Governing Board
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 34 of 39
To: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
From: Julia Tidball, Superintendent and Josh O’Geen, Principal, Copperopolis
Date: April 11, 2019
RE: Consider Approval of Creation of an Office / ITT Clerk Position at
I. Support Information
To better serve the needs of students and staff Mr. O’Geen, the Principal at
Copperopolis is requesting the Board to approve the Creation of an Office / ITT Clerk
would address the staffing needs of the Copperopolis office along with the ITT
support needs that that have been recently vacated. This position would replace the
current ITT and Office Clerk positions at Copperopolis.
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Director of Business Services
that the Mark Twain Board of Education approve the creation of an Office / ITT Clerk
Position at Copperopolis Elementary.
Recommend Approval _____________
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 35 of 39
In the Matter of the Creation of a Resolution No. 2018-19-020
5.5 Hour Office/ITT Clerk Position
1. WHEREAS, Education Code section 45109 provides that a governing board of a school district “…shall fix and
prescribe the duties to be performed by all persons in the classified service and other positions not requiring
certification qualifications of the school district….”
2. WHEREAS, Education Code section 45103 provides that the governing board of a school district shall employ
persons for positions not requiring certification qualifications.
3. WHEREAS, Education Code section 45103 provides that the governing board of any school district shall employ
persons for positions not requiring certification qualifications and shall classify such employees and positions.
Unless statutorily exempted by sections 45103 all such positions shall be known as the classified service.
4. WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the Board create the following Office/ITT Clerk position for:
A. 5.5 hour Office/ITT Clerk for Copperopolis Elementary. The Administration is to establish the exact
starting times.
5. WHEREAS, if the Governing Board creates the above referenced classified Office/ITT Clerk position, the
Administration will fill this position in accordance with its Agreement with the Mark Twain Union Elementary
School District CSEA Chapter #815.
6. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Governing Board makes the following findings of fact and
7. Good cause exists to create the new 5.5 hour Office/ITT Clerk for Copperopolis Elementary. The Administration is
to establish the exact starting times.
8. The District Superintendent is hereby authorized to carry on any other activity necessary to implement the terms of
this Resolution.
The foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted upon motion by Board Member ______________________,
seconded by Board Member ________________________, at a meeting of this Board held on April 11, 2019, by the
following vote:
Date:_______________ ___________________________
Clerk of the Governing Board
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 36 of 39
To: Mark Twain Board of Education Members
From: Julia Tidball, Superintendent and Josh O’Geen, Principal Copperopolis
Date: April 11, 2019
RE: Consider Approval of the Elimination of the Information Technology
Technician and Office Clerk Position at Copperopolis
I. Support Information
If the Board approves the creation of the Office / ITT Clerk position the current
Information Technology Technician position and the Office Clerk position at
Copperopolis will no longer be needed.
II. Recommendation
It is the recommendation of the Superintendent and the Director of Business Services
that the Mark Twain Board of Education approve the Elimination of the Information
Technology Technician and Clerk Position at Copperopolis.
Recommend Approval: JAT
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 37 of 39
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 38 of 39
Board Packet April 11, 2019 – Page 39 of 39