Calaveras County Releases General Plan Update Final EIR

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Planning Department is pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited Final Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan update. The FEIR has been posted on the Department website: Hard copies and CDs will be available for purchase at the Planning Department office once printing has been completed during the week of April 15-19. A copy for public review will also be available during the normal business hours of the Department, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

The FEIR is a lengthy document at 625 pages. It consists of four sections: an introduction and list of commenters on the Draft EIR, responses to comments, revisions to the DEIR text, and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program. The revisions to the DEIR include recommended changes to the general plan policies and implementation measures as mitigation to identified environmental impacts.

The County anticipates beginning adoption hearings with the Planning Commission in May. Hearing dates will be posted on the County’s website when firm dates are established.