Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Presidential “Cover Up” & Video on White House Meeting

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement on Democrats’ progress in oversight efforts to hold the President and Administration accountable, following the Mazars and Deutsche Bank court rulings upholding Congress’s authority to access the President’s financial records and DOJ’s decision to hand over documents to the Intelligence Committee: “Congress’s constitutional authority and responsibility to conduct oversight of the executive branch have been reaffirmed – again and again.

“Sadly, the President continues to defy Congress’s authority, and engage in an unprecedented cover-up campaign of the facts. Congress has a clear, urgent duty to uncover the truth for the American people on the issues that matter in their lives: from corruption to the Administration’s sabotage of families’ health care to its cruel family separation policy to its welcoming of foreign interference in our elections.

“This is about patriotism, not politics. The President must honor the Constitution and the rule of law, and provide the information we need to find the truth for the American people. We will continue to follow the facts, wherever they take us.”