Rural Counties Testify on Important Role Fairgrounds Play in Fires & Other Emergencies.

Sacramento, CA…From RCRC…”On Wednesday, Supervisor Kevin Cann (Mariposa) testified before the Assembly Committee on Agricultural in support of county fairgrounds, and the critical role they play in emergency situations. “In addition to their primary purpose, county fairgrounds are a critical asset in our ability to respond to emergencies,” stated Cann. “Financial stability is a menacing cloud which hangs over our rural fairgrounds’ commitment to operate safely, and provide services to our communities.”

In addition to the recent examples of instances when county fairgrounds have served as evacuation centers and staging areas for firefighting efforts, Supervisor Cann reflected on the 1997 Merced River Flood in the Yosemite Valley, in which the Mariposa County Fairground served as the sole helicopter landing and temporary housing option.”