Calaveras County Grand Jury Submits Its 2018-2019 Report….Full Report Below.

San Andreas, CA…Dear Judge Healy, California Penal Code §933(a) states: “Each Grand Jury shall submit to the presiding judge of the superior court a final report of its findings and recommendations that pertain to county government matters during the fiscal or calendar year…” In conformance with the aforementioned Penal Code requirement, the 2018-2019 Calaveras County Grand Jury approves and respectfully submits this report to you, the Honorable Timothy S. Healy, Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, Calaveras County. In our final report you will find nine (9) Civil Government and Special District investigations completed by the 2018-2019 Grand Jury.

Click Above for Full Grand Jury Report..

The following reports were completed by mandated inspection, citizen complaint investigation, or through inquiry investigation.
Animal Control Services (1)
Continuity & Edit (1)
Jail/Law & Justice (1)
Government/Planning/Public Works (3)
Education & Libraries (1)
Audit & Finance (1)
Community College Districts (1)

To complete the reports, Grand Jurors took facility tours, observed operational activities, interviewed and heard testimony of present and past Elected Officials, many Department Heads and Staff Employees. The Grand Jurors and I would like to thank each of those individuals for their time and their expert testimony.

In addition, the Grand Jurors requested and studied an enormous amount of documents, enabling them to evaluate best practices, the lawfulness of such practices, and the efficiency of work processes. As a result, reports included findings with Grand Jury recommendations and in some cases, commendations.

The dedicated members of the 2018-2019 Grand Jury consisted of 19 Grand Jurors, 7 men and 12 women, diverse in age, life experiences, and expertise. I want to acknowledge the Grand Jury Officers and Committee Chairs for providing outstanding leadership in conducting business timely and thoroughly. I would like to thank all Grand Jury Members for their diligent dedication and timeless efforts in their service to Calaveras County. Our quality work, as an independent investigative body, consisted of prioritizing our efforts, facing unforeseen challenges, and spending long dedicated hours to fulfill our civic responsibility completely, thoroughly, and with professionalism. This Grand Jury worked exceptionally well as a team, demonstrating the highest respect for one another.

On behalf of the 2018-2019 Grand Jury, I would like to extend our sincere thank you and acknowledge Megan Stedtfeld, Calaveras County Counsel and Greg Wayland, Deputy Calaveras County Counsel, for their expertise, consultation, mentorship and time in support of the Calaveras Grand Jury. Anytime the Grand Jury called, they responded timely and without hesitation with the highest professionalism.

Also, on behalf of the 2018-2019 Grand Jury, I would like to extend our sincere thank you and acknowledge Christa Von Latta, Deputy CAO, for her guidance and assistance with the Grand Jury budget. Anytime I and Grand Juror Arleen Bailey, Grand Jury Treasurer, needed assistance or questions answered, Christa did not hesitate to step up to provide answers or meet with us. The collaboration was certainly appreciated by not only myself and Arleen, but by the entire Grand Jury.

In addition, on behalf of the 2018-2019 Grand Jury, I would like to acknowledge the California Grand Jurors’ Association for providing training, on-going guidance, and the working tools to be successful in the completion of our final report.

I am grateful, honored and humbled by your confidence, support and guidance, as well as the assistance provided by Calaveras Superior Court Administrative Support, Doreen Balletti, during this past year. The Grand Jury Foreperson experience has been challenging but rewarding.

Thank you for the privilege to serve this past year as Foreperson!
Carolyn Stinemates
2018-2019 Calaveras County Foreperson