Arnold Post Office Says Good By to Teri Reece Who is Retiring After 32 Years!

Arnold, CA…Teri Reece is retiring with 32 years of service with the USPS. She has plans to relax and just enjoy her time with retired husband, Vince in the Arnold community . She is leaving her co-workers Samantha Garman, Kailagh Carroll, Beverly Puhak and Linda Baker. Also included, Laurie Sage who retired last October. She will be greatly missed and we wish her well.

Click Above for Larger Images & She Was Congratulated on Her Retirement From Some of Her Longtime Customers as Well!

In a rural community like Arnold the Post Office becomes a central meeting place for all as since there is no home delivery everyone has make a visit to the post office at least a few times per week.

3 Responses to "Arnold Post Office Says Good By to Teri Reece Who is Retiring After 32 Years!"

  1. Marla A Allison   August 1, 2019 11:22 am - at 11:22 am

    Congrats Teri! We LOVE retirement!

  2. Sue Aguilae   August 1, 2019 11:46 am - at 11:46 am

    Terri! Congratulations and blessings for your new life!!

  3. Anonymous   August 1, 2019 11:53 am - at 11:53 am

    Good luck Terri…and Laurie!!!