CCWD Reach One Pipeline Replacement Construction Will Resume in Spring

San Andreas, CA….On Wednesday September 11, 2019, Mozingo Construction, Inc., informed the Calaveras County Water District (CCWD) that it was stopping work on the Reach 1 Pipeline Replacement Project for the remainder of this construction season. Mozingo started demobilizing from the project that same day and has reallocated resources away from the Reach 1 Project in order to meet other obligations. Construction was previously scheduled to continue until October 1 of this year and resume in spring 2020. Mozingo has assured CCWD that the $7.5 million project will be completed on-time and within budget. The project is scheduled to be finished by June 30, 2020.

The District will keep the public updated on the revised construction schedule on our website and Facebook.

Those with questions or concerns may contact CCWD Customer Service at (209) 754-3543 or

One Response to "CCWD Reach One Pipeline Replacement Construction Will Resume in Spring"

  1. AMtGal   September 17, 2019 5:28 pm - at 5:28 pm

    CCWD must have known this much sooner than 9/11/19.
    I don’t want this project to fail. It was scheduled through October 31, 2019.
    Now none of the dates we were given match this new timeline
    If Mozingo has other obligations why did they agree to work on this project?
    I hope this 6 week early departure doesn’t come back to haunt CCWD and us in 2020!