A Special Message from Calaveras County Supervisor Dennis Mills

Angels Camp, CA…In the Democrat debate this week, Michael Bloomberg was asked about the legalization of marijuana. It is important to listen to his warning: “Until we know the science, it’s just nonsensical to push ahead. But the cat’s out of the bag.” Bloomberg has said legalization is “perhaps the stupidest thing anyone has ever done.”

Paid Political Ad & Picture of Dennis Mills taken by the Sacramento Bee speaking to a rally on the steps of the State Capitol.

The debate over the establishment of a pot growing industry in Calaveras County has been underlying issue in this campaign. My opponent and I disagree. I have been proud to join with many other Sierra Foothills County Supervisors in opposing moves to make the Sierra Foothills home for a pot growing industry. When we completed the report “Cultivating Disaster”, it was clear that the growing of pot here has serious negative impacts on the environment.

More importantly the promotion and legalization of the consumption of marijuana and its impact on our kids is alarming.

The US Surgeon General’s advisory warning of the dangers of pot consumption states: “The risks of physical dependence, addiction, and other negative consequences increase with exposure to high concentrations of THC7 and the younger the age of initiation. Higher doses of THC are more likely to produce anxiety, agitation, paranoia, and psychosis8. Edible marijuana takes time to absorb and to produce its effects, increasing the risk of unintentional overdose, as well as accidental ingestion by children9 and adolescents10. In addition, chronic users of marijuana with a high THC content are at risk for developing a condition known as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, which is marked by severe cycles of nausea and vomiting. “

I remain committed to limiting impact of these drugs especially on young people. I strongly support the work of our building department to enforce the strictest control since three other board members have brought back the industry to the county. I remain opposed to marijuana growing here that but believe our only course for now is to strictly control it.

One Response to "A Special Message from Calaveras County Supervisor Dennis Mills"

  1. Anonymous   February 29, 2020 11:01 am - at 11:01 am

    You go Dennis! You got my vote!