Supervisor Merita Callaway on Vacation Rentals in Ebbetts Pass Area

Murphys, CA…With this dramatic change in our lives, I want to address a concern that many of you have expressed, short-term rentals. Most of the property managers in Ebbetts Pass, who manage short-term rentals, have closed their reservations. This equates to more than 300 rental units that have been put on hold. For this, I truly thank them.

Short-term rentals bring normally welcomed visitors into our midst but with the Governor’s order to stay at home during this period, we are all making efforts to reduce travel within our area for all but essential needs.

To those individual property owners who are still renting their homes or cabins, I ask you to join our community effort and suspend short-term rentals at this time.

It will take us as a community, to come through this, each doing our part. I wish all of you well, and a safe journey as we move forward day by day.