Tuolumne County Sheriff Ask Visitors to Please Stay Home

Sonora, CA…From the Tuolumne County Sheriff…”During a pandemic, we can certainly understand why many would wish to seek shelter in the foothills of Tuolumne County. Although we normally appreciate and invite people from all over the world, we are asking all visitors to postpone their plans until the state and federal “stay-at-home” orders are lifted. As a smaller community with a relatively high vulnerable population, travelers pose a greater risk to residents of Tuolumne County. Furthermore, visitors who become ill place an even higher burden on our health care system, which could be quickly overwhelmed. Please do not worry about missing out because access to all parks, forests, and waterways are closed until the order is lifted.

We promise the lakes, trees, mountains and endless views will be just as beautiful once all of these restrictions are lifted. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to seeing you in the future. Take care of each other and stay healthy!”

One Response to "Tuolumne County Sheriff Ask Visitors to Please Stay Home"

  1. Anonymous   March 31, 2020 9:21 am - at 9:21 am

    Yes! Ditto to that!