Mark Twain Medical Center Foundation Says Thank You For Helping the Hospital Get Ready!

San Andreas, CA…Good afternoon, Our hospital is readying for a predicted surge of patients who may arrive at Mark Twain Medical Center in the next two weeks. We want to thank you, our donors, whether your gift was ten years ago or last week – you helped us be prepared for today.


The CT Scanner was funded years ago by our community. A CT Scan is an imaging tool helpful in treating COVID-19 patients as it offers a high definition view of the lungs. We, at Mark Twain Medical Center have the most advanced CT capabilities available.

Portable Digital X-Ray funded in 2018 changed the way our technicians perform x-rays in a patient’s room. The new technology ensures we capture the right image on the first visit to a patient’s room thus eliminating repeat visits. Repeat visits would require the technician to utilize another set of PPE (personal protective equipment). As you know, PPE is a resource in much scarcity across the world.

A miraculous gift made last week purchased two new pieces of technology (Neptune Waste Management System and GlideScope) that will reduce respiratory droplet exposure to physicians and nurses during a tracheal intubation procedure for COVID patients. We ordered them immediately and they both arrived today!

Another amazing gift was made this week to purchase four CARESCAPE Patient Data Modules. These will assist our physicians and nurses in monitoring high-acuity patients allowing us to expand our number of ICU beds. The order for these units will be placed tomorrow.

Our patient census has been low this week before the coming surge (with elective surgeries postponed), so we are taking time to prepare in other ways. Specifically:

We have constructed a triage tent in the parking lot to expand our screening capabilities in the event we experience an influx of patients presenting COVID-19 symptoms. To further extend the capacity of our emergency department physician they will communicate with patients through a robot!

We have two contingency plans to allow our number of ICU and general patient beds to increase from our current 25 beds. One plan supports a gradual surge of patients; the second plan is our worst case ($%#@!) scenario of an all at once patient surge. We feel prepared for both scenarios.

Staff are practicing self-care. We are checking on each other and taking every opportunity to rest. The community has been very supportive by sending messages of gratitude which are then shared with those on the front line. If you wish to send a message of gratitude please do so at

If you pray, please pray for provisions of adequate amounts of personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, pharmaceuticals, and healthy physicians and nurses. These things truly are perhaps THE most critical needs for ours and most all other hospitals.

Finally and importantly, if you need information about the novel coronavirus as you protect yourself and those you love, Mark Twain Medical Center can help. Click here for a link to our hospital’s webpage.

Again, we would not be as prepared for today without YOUR past help. I just wanted to reiterate my thanks for you.


Julie Eckardt-Cantrall
Chief Philanthropy Officer

One Response to "Mark Twain Medical Center Foundation Says Thank You For Helping the Hospital Get Ready!"

  1. Anonymous   April 3, 2020 6:00 pm - at 6:00 pm

    Thank you! You are front line warriors. John Bronson