Heartwarming School Projects from Michelson Elementary

Murphys, CA…We are 3rd grade teachers at Michelson Elementary in Murphys, and we wanted to share a recent experience we had in our online Google Classroom. We are hoping to spread some gratitude and cheer with a heartfelt project we have recently done. Switching to online learning (on March 16) has been hard on our students for so many reasons, but the most prevalent is that they do not get to see their friends and learn through the hands on, discussion-based methods that we are so accustomed to. To ease this social sadness, we have been hosting daily Google Meets to catch up, visit, and teach simple lessons. On Fridays, we’ve been trying to meet up, relax, and do a fun activity together. This week we decided to draw health workers and make thank you cards.

As we were all drawing together and enjoying the normalcy of it, we casually chatted. Some of our students talked about their parents who are nurses or x-ray technicians or home health care workers. Some kids talked about how hard the health care people are working. We chatted about why we are all staying home and how it is helping.

Then the kids decided they wanted to thank the health care workers and let them know how much they appreciated everything they were doing. There was a lot of concern about making sure we thanked EVERYONE that was a health care worker, not just the doctors and nurses in hospitals, but also the workers in clinics and homes and pharmacies and elsewhere. They didn’t think they could make enough cards. And they were worried we would miss someone who’s been working super hard. During our brainstorm, the kids asked if we could send their thank you notes and drawings to the local newspapers so they could really get the word out.

So, here we are, sending you this collage of their artwork and a collection of their thank you notes. Normally, we would not self promote something we were doing in the classroom, but this felt so heartwarming and beautiful, it feels worth sharing. Some students have felt lonely and isolated during this shelter in place, and this activity made them feel connected to the outside world. It let them realize their part (shelter in place) in helping have a healthy community. It gave them the chance to put into words their gratitude at being kept safe by others. That Friday morning also let them chat with each other about their feelings, worries, and pride in their family members and friends out there in the trenches. It was really a beautiful experience.

So, on behalf of our students, we would like to celebrate and thank ALL of the health care workers! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication.

Miss Oliver and Miss Titus’ 3rd grade class

3rd grade student quotes:
We are making their job easier by staying home and not getting sick. They are helping us by taking care of sick people. Also they are keeping us healthy. Also if we have a problem with something on our body they help us figure it out.

-Anthony Aitken

Thank you for everything you do to help take care of us.I can’t say this enough but thank you. We are doing our part by staying home while you are doing your”s.

-Randy Aitken

Dear health care workers,

Thank you for taking care of us. I am helping by staying healthy and keeping my distance from others. I am grateful that you are still working and helping others that are sick to get better. You are all awesome!


Darby Bottomley

Thank you for helping millions of people and saving their lives. You are the best health care workers.

-Morgan Brodie

Dear Healthcare Workers,

Thank you for being a doctor. You go to work everyday to help people who are sick. You are around people who could get you sick too but you still help them. We are helping you by staying home. Thanks for taking care of everybody.

Thank you,

Colton Kane

Thank you for helping people get better. I know you still don’t have the cure for the coronavirus but you have done so much for people in the world. Thank you for your hard work and we will all support you for your hard work and thank you for helping people as much as you can.

-Alison Leon Perete

Thank you for taking care of us.We are safe because of them.We are healthy because of you.I am thankful for you.

-Aaliyah Miles

Dear Healthcare workers,

Thank you for helping everybody through these times. I am saying thank you because you are helping a lot of people through these rough times. We are trying to help you by social distancing and wearing masks when we go out in public.


Josie Rael

Dear Health Care Workers,

If I spoke to you I would say, “Thank you health care workers”! It is important for us to say thank you to you because you are saving lives. We are grateful for your help and saving us and for you doctors to be here. We are making your job easier by washing our hands and staying home.

-Olivia Schuler

Dear to all health medical workers. I’m really happy that you guys really do try your best and to save people. I’m very grateful to have you guys because you help everyone, and I hope you always try your best at everything. We are helping by making your job easier by staying at home and trying to help everyone. I wish you all of you stay safe and good luck with everything.

-Elizabeth Herrera-Solis

To health care workers,

Thank you health workers and all the other workers for the coronavirus. It is a really hard time my dad is in the hospital but luckily he does not have the coronavirus he just got diabetes. Take care of all those people out there with the coronavirus. Thank you so much.

-Sofia Vargas

Thank you for helping all the sick people so they feel better. I hope the coronavirus stops so I can see my friends. I am appreciative that you are helping the people. I hope you don’t get sick.

-Logan Betts

One Response to "Heartwarming School Projects from Michelson Elementary"

  1. John Brophy   April 22, 2020 3:31 pm - at 3:31 pm

    Michelson and VUSD teachers continue to rock just as they did 35 years ago when our kids attended school there! Thanks for sharing this great lesson and for all you do every day to support the students.
    John and Heather Brophy