Calaveras County Board Of Supervisors Public Notice

Calaveras County Board Of Supervisors Public Notice

San Andreas, CA…OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, the Board of Supervisors will consider: An ordinance adding Chapter 15.11 to the Calaveras County Ordinance Code, creating an expedited permitting and inspection process for electric vehicle charging stations and to implement consistent statewide standards for their timely and cost effective installation pursuant […]

Board Of Supervisors Notice Of Public Hearing For Regulating Medical Cannabis Cultivation & Commercial Uses

Board Of Supervisors Notice Of Public Hearing For Regulating Medical Cannabis Cultivation & Commercial Uses

San Andreas, CA…NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing on the extension of Ordinance 3069, adding Chapter 17.95 to the Calaveras County Code, Regulating Medical Cannabis Cultivation and Commercial Uses, on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 at 9:00 a. m. or soon thereafter. The public hearing will […]

Notice Of Public Hearing For The Appeal Of Planning Commission Denial Of Appeal For Denied Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application

Notice Of Public Hearing For The Appeal Of Planning Commission Denial Of Appeal  For  Denied Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application

San Andreas, CA…BOARD OF SUPERVISORS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Lead Agency: Calaveras County Planning Department, 891 Mountain Ranch Rd., San Andreas, CA 95249 2016-1124 APPEAL of Planning Commission Denial of Appeal 2016-1124 for the denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application 2016-404 for APN 004-033-003 Dennise Henderson, on behalf of Chuck Wong of C.W. Lucky, […]

Senator Gaines Comments On California’s Massive Snowpack

Senator Gaines Comments On California’s Massive Snowpack

Sacramento, CA…Senator Ted Gaines (R-El Dorado) reacted to the results of California snow survey, a measurement of the water content of California’s snowpack. This monthly survey is used to determine the amount of runoff the state can expect throughout the spring and summer. Typically, melting snow provides roughly 30-percent of California’s water supply. “This snow […]

President Trump’s Second Weekly Address

President Trump’s Second Weekly Address

Washington, DC…My fellow Americans, This week I nominated Neil Gorsuch for the United States Supreme Court. Judge Gorsuch is one of the most qualified people ever to be nominated for this post. He is a graduate of Columbia, Harvard and Oxford. He is a man of principle. He has an impeccable resume. He is widely […]

Judge Grants Nationwide Temporary Restraining Order Against President’s Travel Order

Judge Grants Nationwide Temporary Restraining Order Against President’s Travel Order

Seattle, WA…A federal judge in Seattle today granted Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s request to immediately halt implementation of President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on immigration nationwide. The Temporary Restraining Order will remain in place until U.S. District Court Senior Judge James L. Robart considers the Attorney General’s lawsuit challenging key provisions of the President’s order […]

US Economy Adds 227,000 Nonfarm Jobs In January, Labor Participation Rate At 62.9%

US Economy Adds 227,000 Nonfarm Jobs In January, Labor Participation Rate At 62.9%

Washington, DC…According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Nonfarm payroll employment rose by 227,000 in January, and the unemployment rate was little changed at 4.8 percent. Job gains occurred in retail trade, construction, and financial activities. In 2016, job gains averaged 187,000 per month. Incorporating revisions for November and December, which decreased nonfarm payroll employment […]

Snowpack Survey Shows Big One-Month Gain. Statewide We Are At 173% Of Average

Snowpack Survey Shows Big One-Month Gain.  Statewide We Are At 173% Of Average

Sacramento, CA…Today’s Department of Water Resources (DWR) manual snow survey at Phillips Station in the Sierra Nevada range found a snow water equivalence of 28.1 inches, a significant increase since the January 3 survey, when just 6 inches was found there. The average as measured at Phillips since 1964 is 18.4 inches. Snow water equivalence […]

RCRC Reignites Fight For PILT

RCRC Reignites Fight For PILT

Sacramento, CA…The Rural County Representatives of California (RCRC) is once again sponsoring legislation to require the State to make good on their obligations to counties through the commitment of Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) payments. Senate Bill 58 by Senator Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg) is a bipartisan effort to amend Fish and Game Code language […]

Iran “Put On Notice” Over Ballistic Missile Tests

Iran “Put On Notice” Over Ballistic Missile Tests

Washington, DC…National Security Advisor Michael Flynn delivered the following statement today at the Whitehouse….“Recent Iranian actions, including a provocative ballistic missile launch and an attack against a Saudi naval vessel conducted by Iran-supported Houthi militants, underscore what should have been clear to the international community all along about Iran’s destabilizing behavior across the Middle East. […]

Measure Argument Deadlines – May 2, 2017 Special All-Mail Ballot Election

Measure Argument Deadlines – May 2, 2017 Special All-Mail Ballot Election

San Andreas,CA…Rebecca Turner, County Clerk reports that arguments for or against local measures: A, B, C, & D to be placed on the May 2, 2017 ballot are due February 3, 2017 by 4:00 pm. Rebuttal Arguments are due February 14, 2016 by 4:00pm. Additional information may be obtained on the Calaveras County Elections website: […]

Senator Gaines Introduces Bill To Help Businesses Save Money

Senator Gaines Introduces Bill To Help Businesses Save Money

Sacramento, CA…Senator Ted Gaines (R-El Dorado) today announced Senate Bill 13, which will provide much-needed tax relief to the manufacturing, research and development, software and agricultural industries by expanding an existing sales and use tax exemption. “Small businesses are the backbone of California’s economy and we need to do everything we can to make sure […]

Fed To Hold Steady On Interest Rates

Fed To Hold Steady On Interest Rates

Washington, DC…Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in December indicates that the labor market has continued to strengthen and that economic activity has continued to expand at a moderate pace. Job gains remained solid and the unemployment rate stayed near its recent low. Household spending has continued to rise moderately while business […]

President Trump Nominates Appeals Court Judge Neil M. Gorsuch For Supreme Court

President Trump Nominates Appeals Court Judge Neil M. Gorsuch For Supreme Court

Washington, DC…Neil M. Gorsuch has served for over a decade as a federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, building a nationally respected and distinguished judicial record and reputation. Judge Gorsuch is a brilliant jurist with an outstanding intellect and a clear, incisive writing style. He is universally respected for […]

Federal Court Grants Stay In Challenge ToTrump Immigration Ban

Federal Court Grants Stay In Challenge ToTrump Immigration Ban

New York, NY… A federal judge tonight granted the American Civil Liberties Union’s request for a nationwide temporary injunction that will block the deportation of all people stranded in U.S. airports under President Trump’s new Muslim ban. The ACLU and other legal organizations filed a lawsuit on behalf of individuals who were subject to the […]

Attorney General Ferguson Seeks Halt To Trump’s Immigration Executive Order

Attorney General Ferguson Seeks Halt To Trump’s Immigration Executive Order

Seattle, WA…Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that he is filing a lawsuit in federal court today against President Donald Trump, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and high-ranking Trump Administration officials. Ferguson’s complaint asks the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington to declare unconstitutional key provisions of President Donald Trump’s immigration […]

Starbucks Chairman & CEO Sends Message To Partners In Regards To Trump Administration

Starbucks Chairman & CEO Sends Message To Partners In Regards To Trump Administration

Seattle, WA…Starbucks chairman and ceo sent the following message to all partners (employees) on January 29, 2017. Dear partners- I write to you today with deep concern, a heavy heart and a resolute promise. Let me begin with the news that is immediately in front of us: we have all been witness to the confusion, […]

Butte Fire Burnt Tree Removal Begins Today

Butte Fire Burnt Tree Removal Begins Today

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Department of Public Works announces completion of the process required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to identify hazard burnt trees from the Butte fire area. These are the 8,400 trees that have the potential to fall and impact public roadways. They are located within the County right-of-way and […]

Readout Of President’s Call With Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Muhammad Bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan Of The United Arab Emirates

Readout Of President’s Call With Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Muhammad Bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan Of The United Arab Emirates

Washington, DC…President Trump spoke by telephone yesterday with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Muhammad bin Zayid Al Nuhayyan of the United Arab Emirates. The two leaders reaffirmed the strong partnership between both countries and committed to further strengthen cooperation on fighting radical Islamic terrorism. They discussed recent developments in the Middle East, including the fight […]

Statement By The President On U.S. Service Member Killed In Yemen

Statement By The President On U.S. Service Member Killed In Yemen

Washington, D.C…In a successful raid against Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) headquarters, brave U.S. forces were instrumental in killing an estimated 14 AQAP members and capturing important intelligence that will assist the U.S. in preventing terrorism against its citizens and people around the world. Americans are saddened this morning with news that a life […]

Calaveras County Notice Of Election & Notice To Submit Arguments

Calaveras County Notice Of Election & Notice To Submit Arguments

San Andreas, CA…NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Resolutions passed by the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on January 24, 2017, a Special All-Mail Ballot Election will be conducted on May 2, 2017, for the purpose of voting on the following measures: Measure A To maintain Saddle Creek Community Services District owned facilities and […]

Notice Of Public Hearing Appeal Of Denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application

Notice Of Public Hearing Appeal Of Denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application

San Andreas, CA…PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Lead Agency: Calaveras County Planning Department, 891 Mountain Ranch Rd., San Andreas, CA 95249 APPEAL of Planning Directors Denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application 2016-917 for APN: 016-024-058. Kristina Chavira is appealing the denial of application 2016-917 for medical commercial cannabis cultivation registration. The site is […]

Notice Of Public Hearing Appeal Of Planning Directors Denial Of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration

Notice Of Public Hearing Appeal Of Planning Directors Denial Of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration

West Point, CA…PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Lead Agency: Calaveras County Planning Department, 891 Mountain Ranch Rd., San Andreas, CA 95249 APPEAL of Planning Directors Denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application 2016-855 for APN: 010-021-005 Craig and Deborah DeBaeke are appealing the denial of application 2016-855 for medical commercial cannabis cultivation registration. The […]

Notice Of Public Hearing Appeal of Denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application

Notice Of Public Hearing Appeal of Denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application

San Andreas, CA…PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Lead Agency: Calaveras County Planning Department, 891 Mountain Ranch Rd., San Andreas, CA 95249 2016-085 APPEAL of Denial of Commercial Cannabis Cultivation Registration Application for APN 021-016-018 Kenneth Foley, on behalf of Carlos Garcia, is appealing the Planning Director’s denial of an application for commercial cannabis cultivation […]

Calaveras County Regional Transportation Plan Community Workshop

Calaveras County Regional Transportation  Plan Community Workshop

San Andreas,CA…Plan Community Workshop Hosted by the Calaveras Council of Governments & Green DOT Transportation Solutions. We will be presenting draft project lists, policies, and revenue projections for the next 10-20 year periods. Please join us at one of these meetings so we know what transportation issues are important to you. Two meetings will be […]