Butte Fire Growing Exponentially To 4,000 Acres, 579 Personnel, 42 Engines, 4 Water Tenders, 12 Fire Crews, 3 Helicopters, 14 Bulldozers, 6 Air Tankers

Jackson/Mokelumne Hill, CA…Fire is burning in the Mokelumne River drainage as well as south of hwy 26 towards the Calaveras River Drainage. Fire is burning in multiple directions due to local wind patterns and topography. Amador- El Dorado CAL FIRE is being assisted by the Sacramento Regional Type III Incident Management Team. A CAL FIRE Type I incident management team has been ordered.

Evacuations: Canyon View, Fig Tree Ln, and Ponderosa Way (Amador) Boston Yale Subdivision from East SR26 to Ponderosa (Calaveras) Evacuation centers: Mokelumne Hill Elementary School, San Andreas Town Hall for overnight needs
Road Closures: Clinton Rd at Butte Mountain Rd (Both ends) Butte Mountain Rd Cutoff at Clinton Rd.
Amador Ln at Clinton Rd, SR49 at Electra, Ponderosa Rd. at Tabeau, Access to Lake Tabeau is closed (Amador) SR26 and Hwy 49 at Mokelumne Hill East to Ridge Rd (Calaveras)

Cooperating Agencies
Jackson City, Sutter Creek, Amador Fire Protection District, Diamond Springs, USFS, CHP, Calaveras County Sheriffs, Amador County Sheriffs, BLM, PG&E, Calaveras PUD, OES

Amador- El Dorado Unit
Incident Name: Butte
Type of Incident: Fire, Wildland
Incident Address: 17704 Butte Mountain Rd
Community: Jackson City
Incident Report Date: 9/9/15
Acres: 4000
Incident Report Time: 2:25pm
30% Contained
Resources Assigned
Engines: 42
Water Tenders: 4
Fire Crews: 12
Helicopters: 3
Bulldozers: 14
Air Tankers: 6
Current Situation
Fire is burning in the Mokelumne River drainage as well as south of hwy 26 towards the Calaveras River Drainage. Fire is burning in multiple directions due to local wind patterns and topography. Amador- El Dorado CAL FIRE is being assisted by the Sacramento Regional Type III Incident Management Team. A CAL FIRE Type I incident management team has been ordered.

Evacuations: Canyon View, Fig Tree Ln, and Ponderosa Way (Amador) Boston Yale Subdivision from East SR26 to Ponderosa (Calaveras)
Evacuation centers: Mokelumne Hill Elementary School, San Andreas Town Hall for overnight needs

Road Closures: Clinton Rd at Butte Mountain Rd (Both ends) Butte Mountain Rd Cutoff at Clinton Rd.
Amador Ln at Clinton Rd, SR49 at Electra, Ponderosa Rd. at Tabeau, Access to Lake Tabeau is closed (Amador) SR26 and Hwy 49 at Mokelumne Hill East to Ridge Rd (Calaveras) Cooperating Agencies
Jackson City, Sutter Creek, Amador Fire Protection District, Diamond Springs, USFS, CHP, Calaveras County Sheriffs, Amador County Sheriffs, BLM, PG&E, Calaveras PUD, OES

4 Responses to "Butte Fire Growing Exponentially To 4,000 Acres, 579 Personnel, 42 Engines, 4 Water Tenders, 12 Fire Crews, 3 Helicopters, 14 Bulldozers, 6 Air Tankers"

  1. vicki   September 10, 2015 8:15 am - at 8:15 am

    It a smok’n getting hard to breath.inside w fans on . Put the dang fire out. People are being hurt from this on going fire. Please put out contain things.

  2. bobz   September 10, 2015 8:46 am - at 8:46 am

    @vicki This ain’t no backyard bbq fire. Looks like they are bringing plenty of “fire” power in.

  3. johnb   September 10, 2015 11:37 am - at 11:37 am

    California fire resources are woefully inadequate. this is due to the stat being run by So Ca politicians.. Just like Governor Browns recent attempt to fund a 2 billion dollar tunnel to steal more Northern California water resources for LA. completely inadequate funds have been allocated for fire fighting resources. The California state government is a bad joke CARB goes to ridiculous lengths to stop ever more minute levels of vehicle air pollution going after peoples back yard barbecues when just one large fire releases more air pollution than all these other sources put together. But because the entire state is run by and for LA they get the necessary resources and we suck hind teet. .
    YESTERDAY WAS A CASE IN POINT I WAS AT THE MARTELL AIRPORT AN HOUR AFTER THE FIRE HAD STARTED WHEN WAS STILL SMALL AND WAS STILL CONTROLLABLE there was only one helicopter dropping water and it had just gotten into action. and hour later while lunching at the Nearby Jack in the box I saw the first heavy smoke uf indicating the fire had jumped the lines I fueled up and decide to go watch. as i drove l;leisurely down forty nine i could see that resources were in place on that side but as i crossed into Calveras by by Moklelumne Hill there was scarcely any to be seen. FOUR HOURS AFTER THE FIRES STARTED I drove east on 26 and I could not belive that there was not even one CHP or Calveras sheriff car stopping civilians from entering then as I drove i Came upon the leading edge of the fire in places less than 100 feet from the road their were only about 5 fire tucks spread over more than 3 miles of road and I turned around not wanting to be trapped in the Sierras on the leeward side of a roaring forest fire finally a half dozen more trucks and a few cops arrived. way to little and way too late to stop what was a slow moving downhill fire from jumping 26.
    When i got back to 49 there STILL was not a single cop stopping people from going back down 26 I watched for 45 minute more and finally FIVE HOURS after the fire started the heavy cavalry the large airborne water tankers arrived and hit the fire on the leading edge.
    This Keystone Cops type of show is not the fault of the fire fighters.It is the fault of the politicians WHICH MAKES IT YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOU ELECTED THEM!!!!!

  4. Connie Telford   September 11, 2015 8:17 am - at 8:17 am

    Well stated Johnb