What Transportation Issues Do You See in Calaveras County? Now is Your Chance to let Decision-Makers Know!

San Andreas, CA…One of CCOG’s state mandated duties is to update the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for Calaveras County every four years. The purpose of the RTP is to identify all types of transportation improvements needed to keep people and goods moving efficiently and safely over the next 20 years. Modes of transportation covered in the RTP include: roadways, bridges, bicycle paths/lanes, sidewalks, crosswalks, bus stops, airports and goods movement (trucking). The RTP begins with a review of the regional transportation system today, identifies problems or deficiencies with all types of transportation facilities then sets forth transportation projects to fix the transportation deficiencies and meet the long-term goals of the community. What transportation issues do you see in Calaveras County? Now is your chance to let decision-makers know!